While salt 6000 the death toll and missing of the earthquake and tsunami last Friday have scolvolto Japan, even the Italian NGOs have mobilized to help the population. Some of most affected areas are still inaccessible, however is very alarming as the situation of nuclear power plants in Fukushima .
The in conjunction with the Italian Caritas Caritas Japanese , although very small, , is trying to address the most urgent needs. "There are four dioceses most affected Sendai, which has been the most damage, Sapporo, Saitama and Tokyo "- brings a note of Caritas." In Tokyo, some parishes are welcome and provide food for people became stuck due to cessation of transport. In the Diocese of Saitama are gathering the availability of volunteers to be sent later in the worst affected areas. "Caritas Japan has launched a campaign of solidarity and last Sunday in all churches of the country was a day of prayer and fundraising for the victims of the earthquake.
Caritas has also set up an emergency team to monitor the situation in other affected areas. The director of Caritas Japan, Daisuke Naru father, confirmed that a general mobilization is under way, including volunteers, and in conjunction with local NGOs. The focus is on the weaker segments of the population and also includes measures of psychological support. Caritas is also committed to focus in particular on the phase of rehabilitation. Italian Caritas has provided an initial contribution of one hundred thousand euro and remains in connection with the international network to monitor the evolution of the situation and support the actions undertaken.
Even the NGO Save the Children is readily activated . "We are extremely concerned for at least 70 000 children displaced by the earthquake and tsunami. So many have lost their homes and were forced to take refuge in places insecure and uncomfortable as evacuation centers, which might prompt further anxiety and fear in them. Then there is the risk that a number of children remained separated from their parents and family "- says Japan Stephen McDonald, coordinator of Save the Children emergency that has been present for 25 years in Japan.
'E' key once to provide support for both children and parents to help them cope with the devastating impact of the earthquake. Save the Children has already sent a team in Sendai - the area worst hit - and established a base of operations "- says McDonald. Moreover, another NGO team is deployed along the road from Tokyo to Sendai to organize and set up the "safe areas" for children, spaces where they can play and variations, allowing parents to register for emergency aid and assistance. Save the Children also will also undertake activities for reunification of unaccompanied minors and separated from their parents.
The 12 non-governmental organizations to ACT support the work of Save the Children and other companies already in place , but estimated that it was not appropriate to intervene jointly in a situation characterized by a high capacity of local response, especially at a time when other major humanitarian emergencies efforts require major logistical and operational (Ivory Coast, North Africa, Somalia). "NGOs have a strong history of ACT intervention in crisis situations in non-industrialized countries, characterized by weak infrastructure, endemic poverty, lack of national institutions prepared. In Japan the situation is different and our in-depth evaluation led us to believe that the appeal action is not currently a real added value. " ACT, however, "non esclude la possibilità di attivare un appello successivamente, qualora si configurasse una diversa esigenza di sostegno all’attività di soccorso locale da parte di organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali". Nel frattempo, AGIRE sostiene le attività di Save the Children, una propria organizzazione associata e che ha immediatamente attivato una rete di interventi a sostegno dell’infanzia.
Le équipe di Medici Senza Frontiere sono state subito mandate nelle zone colpite dal terremoto e dal successivo tsunami nel nordest del Giappone e stanno assistendo la popolazione supportando il massiccio intervento guidato dal governo. MSF è presente nei luoghi del disastro con 10 operatori giapponesi, ma altro personale si sta recando nella zona. "Domenica, attraverso due nostre cliniche mobili, abbiamo compiuto una valutazione in due centri per sfollati, dove i bisogni medici sembrano aumentare" - dichiara Mikiko Dotsu, coordinatore dell'équipe di MSF.
“Ci è stato riferito dalle autorità che in una zona nei dintorni di Minamisunriku, nel Miyagi settentrionale, vi erano 9200 people displaced in 20 centers, with urgent need of water, basic necessities and medical care, "said Mikiko Dotsu, emergency coordinator for MSF. While the wounded were evacuated by helicopter, there were many elderly, some with signs of dehydration. MSF is identifying some specific needs, such as the need of oxygen, essential supplies, medical supplies and water, and will work alongside the Japanese authorities to assist the population. "The situation remains difficult for those who survived the disaster, as it affected a large area of \u200b\u200bthe prefecture is still without water and electricity" - explains MSF is also monitoring the situation in the area of \u200b\u200b nuclear plants in Fukushima : "If there is a serious nuclear accident, is merely the Japanese government to be able to respond "- said the report of MSF.
The Italian Red Cross (CRI) opened a library funds to support the populations affected by earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The contributions collected by the Crees will be used to support activities' sister company of Japanese assistance to help people, in close collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
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