Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wendy Darling Costumes

The League, Women and the Church of the High-rabbit Vicentino.

"Our policy, including immigration, is perfectly in line with Christian values \u200b\u200b", said Roberto Cota.
And the president of the Chamber of Deputies Foreign Affairs Committee, Stefano Stefani, added: "The League has Catholic roots, and fought against the setting that was given to Europe where no one wanted to enter the Christian roots of the foundations '. And then pointed out: there has been talk of 'the law on bioassays "and" pill RU486.

Matt Felts has recently signed an article in La Stampa with the title "God , Padania and family Realpolitik" a seguito dell'incontro in Vaticano di Bossi e Calderoli con il card. Bagnasco. D'amore e d'accordo, dunque, vanno i leghisti con certa Chiesa.

Nell’Alto vicentino ci ritroviamo parroci che fin dagli esordi hanno invitato a votare Lega. Non mancano poi gli incontri segreti tra vescovi, parroci e dirigenti leghisti per stabilire linee e interessi comuni (leggi beni materiali) rispolverando gli storici rapporti con il fascismo e a Zanè la storia del fascismo è tutto un programma.

A proposito di famiglia tradizionale - formata da un uomo e una donna -, di matrimoni omosessuali e sistemi procreativi and end of life, the feeling would be perfect. After the 'meeting, Bossi ahead and one of its historical claims which sounds roughly like this: it is better to children. or return to fashionable women-rabbit to counter foreign sonship that pollute the pure blood of the Italian regions.

does not matter then if the state fails to build nurseries and kindergartens for the children and makes up with his grandparents and so on Welfare.

Felt, writes in his book writes that the Church swallow the strange pantheism traditionalist and conservative League peche shows a embankment against the formidable "comes relativist." Or even the cardinals on the one hand they show that he rears for the security package that includes the crime of illegal immigration and the politics of rejections on the front of the sea, but on the other (the secret) are not so much offended, because the interest is addressed to the "integrity of the family."

One might ask why then does not consider that the Northern League could get along with mosques and Islamic cultural centers, where the "values" of the traditional family, the consideration of homosexuality behavior and choice as against "nature", the role of low profile of women etc. especially the rejection of relativism in the name of so-called eternal truths, is continually repeated?

The reality that comes out clearly is, sociologically, the following: the League intercepts the common sense of the fear of loss of boundaries of identity (a losing battle, see the U.S.) in other words The strong feeling of loss for the rapid change of the "landscape" around for a constantly changing for the great migration and increasingly multi-ethnic and multi-religious.
Let's stop putting our heads in the sand, those are called ostriches and proceed to a healthy integration of the existing race: human. Everything else has only one name: Xenophobia and Racism.

Christianity is something else, no need to defend the crosses need to be crucified with Christ and His word while some drool on the piper libertine and immoral from every angle you look at it.

The road, bishops, priests and Christians is an uphill struggle until God's people followed an inconclusive stunned in hearing sermons never contestualizzanti not disturb the daily reality for the Giver only material goods for the church.


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