Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The Alps, the driver, the hotel: three "Po" from Qaddafi. In a mission from Bossi.

“La Lega mi chiese soldi per la secessione”. “Ma vi pare… Abbiamo tantissimi uomini e le armi si fanno in Lombardia. Gheddafi è un gatto che sta affogando e si arrampica. La storia insegna che chi spara sulla sua gente finisce male. Ricordate Umberto I, fu ucciso”. Botta e risposta tra Gheddafi e Bossi con il Colonnello revealed that a French television that the Northern League said its economic aid to the secessionist project and "Umberto" categorically denies that. Forget for a second that Bossi is a Minister of the Republic and pretend it did not fully understand his words and that we have missed that has explicitly referred to the potential armed secessionist Northern League and concentrate only on the relationship - Gaddafi.
Bossi has categorically denied, but in the declaration of the Libyan leader that often, especially recently, it tends to shoot a bit 'too big, there is some truth. And to tell it is a former member of the Northern League which was involved in a tragicomic mission on earth on behalf of the Libyan senatur.
In his book "Umberto Great", came out last year and picked up by La Stampa, said Leonardo Facco fact that a delegation of green shirts in the nineties was sent to Libya in search of funding. Bossi is right when he said he had not asked for arms to Colonel and then, but not telling the whole truth. At least there was a request. Money. In the book of faces, on page 379, Roberto Bernardelli, at the time the Parliamentary League and City Council in Milan, says a leading role in creating and carrying out a mission in Africa game con grandi speranze e ambizioni e che più passa il tempo più tende ad assomigliare ad un film di Totò.
Già la composizione della delegazione ha in se del comico. Per la missione africana viene costituito un trio degno della migliore commedia all’italiana. Insieme a Bernardelli, albergatore milanese che negli Anni 80 s’era inventato il Partito dei Pensionati, anche Pino Babbini, il primo autista di Bossi e pure lui consigliere comunale. Ai due si aggiungerà, in terra d’Africa, “una specie di alpino, un valligiano del Bergamasco che doveva farci da interprete, dato che aveva lavorato per anni in quel Paese”. “Babbini riuscì ad ottenere credentials to go to Libya - says Bernardelli -. We set off from Linate airport and landed ... Reason for our mission? We had to give us money from Gaddafi to buy Il Giorno, a former newspaper Eni in those years had been sold. Two black Mercedes that was waiting for us under the plane. They took us to Tripoli, where he probably thought we were two ministers. A Babbini was given a suite, another me, stuff of great luxury. " It is not known where to house the Alpine interpreter.
The mission was to meet the Colonel. "But we did meet with the foreign minister, educated person who spoke fluent Italian. Babbini, who spoke to me in Milan - perfect for the next cinepanettoni - began a kind of rally until the obbligai to drop their axes. He advanced to the minister's request to buy The Day in exchange for the support of the League's embargo against Libya. He left me stunned the abnormal figure that was required, things like 300 billion old lire. The minister did not change and began exchanging gifts. Highlight two pins of Alberto da Giussano gold, one for Gaddafi. " The minister, however, does not obtain the confidence of astatine trio sensed that smell of deceit, so that, Bernardelli continues: "papa, as he was to deliver Minister to give the trinket to the Colonel, looking at me and told me Milan: But queschì ghe 's gives Gaddafi. " When you call a gentlemen's agreement.
The three never knew if Gaddafi received a pin or other gift that they did: the book "Four Cats on Po," published in 1996 by Editoriale North, but sensed immediately that their proposal did not meet the favor of the Libyan leader. "Of course, came the fatal news that would give us the money - Bernardelli adds." Babbini we stayed bad. Not knowing how to close the interview, he drew plans for a hotel built in Sesto San Giovanni e propose ai libici l’acquisto dell’edificio. Anche lì il ministro storse il naso. Preso dallo sconforto, tentò poi di instaurare un rapporto di tipo commerciale, citando la zona della Sirte…”. Niente, il libico non ci sente, mancava solo che tentassero di vendergli la fontana di Trevi e il copione sarebbe stato perfetto. Bernardelli la ricorda così: “Siam partiti per cercare di avere i soldi per acquistare un giornale e siamo tornati in Italia con una campionatura d’aglio”.
Così l’armata Brancaleone bergamasca tornò in Padania con le pive nel sacco e non se ne fece più nulla. Rimane però il ricordo of this African mission, recalls Gaddafi and probably also remember the Bossi, despite denying that he ever asked for help from those same Libyans wanted shelling in the sea. Who knows, if there had been agreement ...
Alexander Cavill, March 9, 2011


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