Saturday, March 12, 2011

Playmobil Castle Directions

heart and legs to our reasons.

Oggi l’Italia, da nord a sud scende in piazza “a difesa della Costituzione”. A Roma e in decine di altre grandi e piccole realtà della penisola. Donne e uomini. Giovani e anziani. Studenti, lavoratori, disoccupati. Dopo il 13 febbraio e l’8 marzo. Aspettando lo sciopero generale, il 25 aprile, il Primo Maggio... 

«Ancora un altro corteo? Ma pensate che possa servire a qualcosa»?
So MR says on the site of one of the associations that promote the event. "But you have to do is take to the streets every week"?
The sender is only one, but perhaps there are many who think so ...
In reality, and so we begin to respond to the reader, we would have more to do. Or if nothing else, we would like to express yes but to celebrate a social achievement, not obtained a right to parade and protest subtracted.
And we would like that an association that relies all'articolo21 of the Constitution did not exist it would mean that the information is free and is not affected by the powers that be, economically or politically. And the partisans, after years of hard struggles would prefer telling stories with a happy ending to their grandchildren, rather than get angry and defend the memory of the Holocaust deniers. And the workers, students and researchers in these winter months would have wanted to avoid camping on the roof of a factory or a school to claim a decent job, support for public schools and the research which we are behind in Europe . And if Italy 'rejects war as a means of resolving disputes internazionali» perché gli operatori di pace sono costretti a marciare ogni anno da Perugia ad Assisi per ricordarlo? E se l’acqua, come l’aria, è un bisogno primario per la sopravvivenza dell’umanità, perché dobbiamo allestire banchetti e raccogliere migliaia di firme affinché questo diritto sia garantito a tutti? E perché un cittadino qualunque viene processato dal tribunale di competenza e deve rispettare il giorno di convocazione mentre qualcuno, può chiedere il trasferimento di un’inchiesta e rifiutarsi di rispondere alle domande di un magistrato? E poi, perché un potente può permettersi l’acquisto una casa di lusso a un prezzo stracciato mentre a due anni di distanza da un tragico seismic event in the houses they grew up thousands of Abruzzo are still in the rubble? But if "everyone is obliged to contribute to public expenditure because of their ability to pay and the tax system is based on criteria of progressivity," because the rich continue undisturbed to evade taxes? It is not written in the Constitution that health is a fundamental right of the individual? Why then should a patient die in a hospital corridor waiting for it to free a department or an operating room? E 'for this reason that today the streets. Why would anyone answer these questions. In Rome today, from 14 o'clock, a procession will depart from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza del Popolo. And walk the streets of the capital in more "traditional" way, carrying large banners. Either red or green or purple, but the flag. Not for a fulminant attack of patriotism but because we want that for once put aside all their symbols and colors, all legitimate and sacred, so that from a long line and a crowded square stands a chorus of voices joined in defense of the principles of the Charter, to use Calamandrei, ever present and alive "because someone has died to redeem freedom and dignity."
And so we respond another application of the anonymous reader: "It will serve to something"? Overthrow the system? Send home those who are depriving us of our fundamental rights and is killing the hopes and dreams of a society and a better future? Probably not, not overnight, at least. But what is certain is that nothing will change unless we fight together to get it. Because, as a young doctor revolutionary repeated a continent away, "when you dream alone is only a dream when you dream is a reality in two starts."
Stefano Corradino


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