Hard Attack of the geologist to the reactions of the government majority in the face of nuclear threat from Japan destroyed by the earthquake.
"I am irresponsible. Talk less and study more. " Mario Tozzi , maître à penser and bust environmentalism Italian television, does not mince words in commenting on the reactions of our house to the Japanese earthquake and the threat of nuclear disaster. The statements of various Fabrizio Cicchitto and Pier Ferdinando Casini , Tozzi are not to your liking. It 's a river in flood: "It is to be appalled. These politicians are pretending to be of theoretical nuclear physics. Do not even have the decency to use caution in situations like this should be a must. "
Tozzi then not talk to the editorial of today's Messenger signed by Oscar Giannino . An article that has climbed in the dark of the statements which were then blatantly denied. The reporter wrote that what happened in Japan was the "litmus test" of security of energy produced from the atom. "What a miserable figure to Giannino - attacks Tozzi - But one thing is served: to unmask the Italian habit to get into the chair and talk about things that do not know."
Di fronte alla minaccia di un disastro nucleare, la parola d’ordine della lobby nucleare nostrana è minimizzare. “Anche l’incubo che sta vivendo il Giappone in queste ore con il danneggiamento di un reattore – continua il giornalista – in Italia viene declinato a mero strumento di propaganda politica e ideologica. Difendono l’atomo solo perché non possono tornare indietro”.
Secondo il conduttore di “Gaia, il pianeta che vive” (Which returns to air on Rai Tre from March 31) the most egregious lies of the pro-lobby atom are two: the security and affordability this source of energy. That tragedy is the Japanese dramatically revealing.
"Nuclear power plants in Japan - says Tozzi - were built to withstand an earthquake of 8.5 degrees of Richter scale . Then what happened? E 'come an earthquake of 8.9 and facilities could not keep. " The Italian plants will be built to withstand the shock of approximately 7.1 degrees, but, as claimed by Tozzi, "who assures us that one day there will come a more powerful earthquake?". No, indeed. Because earthquakes are phenomena that can not be foreseen. In addition, the Japanese disaster occurred in the country's most technologically advanced del mondo. A Tokio infatti è radicata una seria cultura del rischio che è frutto di una profonda conoscenza di questi fenomeni. “Con quale faccia di tolla i vari Cicchitto ci vengono a vendere l’idea che in Italia, in caso di terremoto, le cose possano andare meglio che in Giappone? Il terremoto dell’ Aquila se si fosse verificato in Giappone non avrebbe provocato neanche la caduta di un cornicione. Da noi ha causato 300 morti. Chi può credere alle farneticazioni sulla sicurezza del nucleare italiano?”, chiede sarcasticamente Tozzi. E’ vero che l’incidente nucleare è più raro, ma è altrettanto vero che è mille times more dangerous. And the Japanese case, according to Tozzi, is from the manual: "If you break the power plant's cooling system becomes exactly like a huge atomic bomb. Perhaps this is the litmus test mentioned by Giannino.
And then there is the question of the alleged cost of energy produced from the atom. "The various political and alleged experts - argued Tozzi - you fill your mouth saying that the kilowatt-hour produced from the atom is cheaper than that produced by other sources. But it is not true. We know how much is really only when we inactivated the first kilogram of radioactive waste produced by power plants. And that is, between 30 thousand years. " According to the journalist, the lobby that wants the return of its nuclear propaganda value for money without considering externality, namely the additional costs that make up the price. Ranging from the disposal of waste (a problem that no country in the world has yet to resolve definitively) the social and economic costs of an accident. "It is money that the nuclear count - he says Tozzi - because they are costs that will fall on citizens and future generations."
On June 12, is planning a referendum that, among other things, calls for the repeal of the return of Italy to the atom. The reference to what happened at Chernobyl in 1987, large anti-nuclear protests to the referendum that sanctioned the abandonment of nuclear energy is a must. Mario Tozzi But the comparison is not convincing: "We come from 25 years of numbness of conscience. Today we have people like Chicco Testa and Umberto Veronesi experts who make false and misleading ads that the public astray. " In short, the link between the incident that shook the conscience and the vote of the people that worked in 1987, today could fail. But on June 12 did not vote just to say no to the atom. Citizens are also called to speak out against the privatization of water resources and the law on such failure. Topics that next to no atom could convince people to go to the polls. And allow the referendum to back a quorum.
Lorenzo Galeazzi and Federico Mello
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