Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Make A Carriage Baby Cake

Release March 8.

On March 8, requires a bit ' of those "think" usually rightly abhorred but here are used to make a theme inevitably caught the collective experience through its "guts like that." I have never managed to make my own theories about God mother (for a male worthy of the name to trace the universe has always seemed a waste to kill himself within just two millennia and make it a her), but defying the risk of dangerous misunderstandings still dare to believe that being a woman is essentially grace, understood as the manifestation of the sovereign does not have the free and not calculated, as well The existence in search of life's unpredictable.

Imagining the future beyond the stereotypes of this often turned into chains of fate than anything else they have in the course of a long history of liberation of our holy sisters, witches, whores and virgins if not groped through the grace of being "just" women?

Attraverso la ribellione ai ruoli imposti dalla grande macchina risultante da consenso, buon senso, saperi codificati, poteri e strapoteri, la consapevolezza sessuale di genere si è presa per mano con il genere umano nel suo insieme e ha cercato la strada di un’umanità liberata dalla violenza di un corpo imposto come maschera e liberata dallo stupro dell’anima costretta a dare corpo a quella stessa maschera.

Ma che ne è della liberazione della donna se perde la sua grazia “propulsiva” e diviene narcisistica e cinica omologazione? Dove gli effetti culturalmente percepibili di free men and women able to give a different reason for the hope of tomorrow?

Clearly the "no" to clutter coagulated by Berlusconi. But right here I believe we need to emphasize the "no" to the pervasive intelligence with the enemy "starring wherever the many heirs of many releases, including women: the triumph of freedom in the debased particulare; progressivism be understood as open-mindedness, the rightful contradictorily as a negation of the sense of limits and the mystery of human society incattivita measured only with market parameters; children "democratic education", in the sense of total and enthusiastic commitment to the principle of ignorance same for everyone, young and yet still unknown, "including" (known to democracy and release all children are born instead of "misunderstood", taught to think, and fight for what they it is believed), the addiction to uninhibited vulgarity passes for modernity (still inexcusable that ass dissected on display in advertising founding of the new units); faces and bodies "plastic, coated and standard (a standard also left because 'after' emancipation we women have rediscovered the pleasures of the body: what sacrosanct if it did not turned into a sort of monstrous collective alienation that has nothing to do with the charm of sensuality), in a string of groundbreaking scheme that is not so much turn over in his grave Maria Goretti who or what Rosa Luxemburg for her men and women took to the policy anodyne a Administration existent, at best, of course, and that left vying to appear more 'bourgeois' and cynical of others not to go for old-fashioned, frightening women, surrogates of the worst men in every sphere of power, they do shy away from any situation, in itself odd, to "quote rosa", etc..

I can already hear the objection, but ordinary people is healthy, that work consist of the demonstration on 13 February for the dignity of women. Safe? Well, then the "normal" you ask about "what to do," because around, "normal" understood, there are more people on facebook that citizens capable of an alternative for this country, and more mobile phones than words and stories with sense to be transmitted.
Contra Spem for a new 8 March to you all.


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