But Ruby , how old? And when she was born? Central issue in the process that sees Silvio Berlusconi accused.
If Ruby was born in 1992, then he began to frequent the house of the Prime Minister to Arcore was a minor, if it was born in 1991 or even better in 1990, Ruby at the time of the first dinner at the home of Knight was an adult and I would speak instead of crime at most "questionable" acquaintances.
Done The newspaper, published a piece in which a Moroccan official of the Registry said that she was offered money by some Italians, in different ways and without the intention to backdate the birth certificate Karima el Mahorug. Berlusconi ha querelato il quotidiano, i suoi avvocati hanno detto che il solo ipotizzare qualcosa del genere reca danno al loro assistito. Ma non solo Il FAtto Quotidiano ne ha parlato, anzi a parlarne per primo, e con toni ottimistici e soddisfatti per la novità e le sue conseguenze, era stato Il Giornale.
La “querelle” sull’età, anzi sul certicato di nascita di Ruby Rubacuori ha radici più antiche e non parte dal giornale di Padellaro e Travaglio. I primi a mettere in discussione la data di nascita delle giovane marocchina sono stati, nell’ordine, Il Giornale, Silvio Berlusconi, e di nuovo Il Giornale. Il primo tentativo di trasformare Ruby da minorenne a maggiorenne è datato 8 febbraio 2011, data da tenere a mente. Quel giorno il quotidiano diretto da Sallusti pubblicò un articolo, firmato da Luca Fazzo, dal titolo “Giallo Ruby, per la difesa era già maggiorenne” (facilmente reperibile su internet a questo link ). Il pezzo partiva a spron battuto “ Ma sulla scena del «Rubygate» i difensori del premier fanno entrare anche un nuovo fronte di indagine. Quanti anni ha davvero – si chiedono gli avvocati - Karima, or 'Ruby Heartbreaker, "the Moroccan girl for the Prosecution is" offended party "of the crime of child prostitution objected to Berlusconi? In the dossier of the investigation, the lawyers argue Piero Longo and Niccolo Ghedini, there is an act which provides that "Ruby" was not born in 1992 but in 1991. Therefore, it was already an adult in last spring when he went repeatedly to the villa in Arcore the Prime Minister. The act states that it has been identified by Longo and Ghedini within the invitation to appear notified the Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti .... " then scroll through the text Fazzo it turns out that the document in question is not so disruptive "On page 141 of the invitation shows a record of the complaint laid before May 1, 2009 to the Carabinieri station Crescenzago the girl, who just first was mugged in the area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires. The young man said that an unknown, probably Romanian, has snatched the bag containing the respectable sum of 5,500 €. Appear in the header of the general complaint of the young: "Ruby Eyeko, Egyptian nationality, born in Egypt on November 1, 1991, in Letojanni resident in the province of Messina '." difficult to think of a defense based on a complaint in which the name and place of birth stated are obviously false. Difficult claim to infer a birth date different from the widely known on the basis of a document that contains more fanciful than real. Not by chance and that was for a month and neither the premier nor the Journal of Legal came back on the issue.
at reviving each other then the same thought at the beginning of March declared that Berlusconi happy: "We have evidence that Ruby was recorded two years anagrafe Moroccan after his birth, at least according to what he wrote once again the Journal in a piece signed by Adalberto Lord and entitled "The Premier set the ace: Ruby was of age."
"A test - the article continues - which will be presented during the trial." In short, the reasoning is the premier, "even far-fetched to believe the allegations of the Milan prosecutors there would be no elements of an offense." It would mean that when Ruby has for the first time in Arcore foot was already de facto legal age for some time. And è anche per questa ragione che nelle sue chiacchierate private il capo del governo ostenta sicurezza e si dice sicuro che alla fine «ancora una volta si risolverà tutto in una bolla di sapone». Nonostante nel suo entourage ci sia chi predica prudenza, perché per quanto possano essere accurate le indagini difensive – che pare siano sbarcate anche dall’altra parte del Mediterraneo – c’è comunque da mettere in conto un’oggettiva difficoltà di reperire materiale e documentazione risalente a quasi venti anni fa in un Paese come il Marocco.
A questo punto siamo arrivati all’inizio March, the part of the Newspaper indicate the date of the third . At festive declarations of Premier follows more or less nothing. No evidence presented, although to be honest should be exhibited in court, but above all, no new declaration, no new or article headline that insisted on the point taken for granted, and fatal to the outcome of the proceedings, the proven age of Ruby. Only a few mild and short statement of the father of Ruby shooting that belied the facts narrated by Berlusconi. Strange.
we come to the article published March 10 by the fact that quotes a Moroccan official contacted by the Italians who offered money to change the date of birth of Ruby. From the article we know that would be the same official to contact the editors of the newspaper directed by Padellaro by relatives in Italy and we also learn the date on which there was the alleged interview: February 7. To think evil is a sin but we often take Andreotti said, and then try to think the worst.
From the article of Because we know that some Italians February 7 showed up in Morocco to change the date of birth of Ruby and, coincidentally, the same day the newspaper was preparing a piece, released the day after February 8, and he struggled for the first time in a dance can different date of birth of the young Moroccan. The Moroccan mission, if it was that it existed, game do not know on whose behalf, makes a hole in the water and on this side of the Mediterranean are not speaking about the date of birth of Ruby. A month after Berlusconi pulls it off again, and always the newspaper speaks of "defensive investigations - which appears to be landed on the other side of the Mediterranean." Skip a week and find out that someone is actually going to knock anagrafe the village where he was born Ruby. To think evil comes out a desperate situation. The statements must be proven and someone Done by Berlusconi's lawyers went to Morocco is far from being confirmed. But the sequence is at least strange coincidences: The newspaper that announces the "different age" of Ruby, the prime minister talked about, the newspaper that we back up and so the fact that newspaper gives his version of events and reconstruction.
unclear A story, a story full of strange coincidences, a story reminiscent of the girlfriend of Mr Berlusconi. By the way, what happened to the much-publicized happily engaged to the Premier? You are left? And 'emigrated because of the left?
Defends his privacy? At least you can prove that it was yet another invention, and fly a shot. It would be a nice twist.
Riccardo Galli, March 11, 2011
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