Sunday, March 13, 2011

Accident Counter Offer Letter

The Church surrenders to the lure of power Berlusconi.

"We need to hear the echo of Jesus' words in the words of the Bishops", a group of "Christians of the Church of Modena," he called it the letter to the bishop City Mgr. Antonio Lanfranchi. The letter, initiated in early February by the Christian community at the base of the artisan village, within a few days has been around a lot within the diocese, supported and discussed by various church groups, inside and outside the parishes.

"We appeal to you - write the believers Modena Msgr. Lanfranchi - because he is our shepherd. We know that his role and his ministry is just to listen, to comfort, to keep the flock together, that Christian and help lead the people to live in faith, hope and charity. We want to some express our deep concern with simplicity but also with all boldness. "

Below is a list that, almost to a crescendo, shows all the discomfort and dismay that so many Christian communities are faced with the current political landscape: "We are worried because we see our country slip more and more in a general crisis, and despair experienced by many with no way out, a crisis that threatens to undermine the unity of the nation, in its institutional aspects, political and social issues. And the despair is not a Christian virtue. We are shocked because we see the political class that governs this country sink ever deeper into moral decay, into attitude of impunity, in the pursuit of personal gain and their friends in the looting of public affairs and in the systematic destruction of the foundations of civil and democratic. We are angry because this same political class, the government has misled and continues to deceive the poor with false promises, with liberal use of the media and perverse, with the ostentatious display of patterns of behavior radically contrary to the common moral sentiment of our people '.

But the biggest concern, Christians Modena express it in respect of their church: "We know - write it - that the head of the CEI and the rooms of the Vatican Curia decided long ago to support the right-wing majority in the government today. It is generally more widespread, even among Catholic believers and practitioners, that this alliance is the result of arrangements of power, seeking privileges for the Church and legitimacy for the government. It is worth compromising the credibility of the Gospel image of the Church for a mess of pottage? ". Even so, Christians continue Modena, in the name of this agreement "have in fact endorsed policies, some of the mold typically xenophobic, quite contrary not only to the Gospel but also to the social doctrine of the Church. " The voices in the Church have so far raised base to denounce this dangerous alliance throne-altar are "always ignored, censored or minimized." Even now that 'the moral abyss and the lifestyle of the unspeakable prime minister himself is under the eyes of the world, "the leaders of the CEI" found the strength and dignity to utter clear words, to get out of regrets, generic that affects everyone and therefore no one, finally using the language of the Gospel of Yes, yes, no no. " This attitude contrasts with the way, very different, which was treated with the previous Prodi government, "that was not only not supported but it was even opposed, perhaps because most free, certainly more secular and less willing to secret agreements."

"It is important that we realize that the very basis of the Church is growing discomfort, the dissent, the suffering, the slow and silent surrender. The bitter feeling of many, right or wrong, is that pastors have betrayed their flock, have preferred the soft palaces of Herod the grotto of Bethlehem, have shamefully abandoned the prophecy. And this trust in God, is technically un comportamento ateo».

Di qui una proposta «che può sembrare provocatoria», ma che costituirebbe un segnale importante da parte delle gerarchie della Chiesa: «La Cei e il Vaticano dichiarino pubblicamente di rinunciare all’esenzione del pagamento dell’Ici sulle proprietà della Chiesa che siano fonti di reddito; che abbiano il coraggio di dire di no a questa proposta scellerata. Acquisterebbero un po’ di stima e credibilità, perché questo, fra i tanti, è uno scandalo che grida vendetta».

(Cristiani modenesi)


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