A letter to denounce the risk of return to nuclear energy in our country and to solicit a commitment to education and culture that promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy, and greater awareness about the alternatives, and already available to the atom, in the light of the principles the social teachings. They written to the President of the Episcopal Conference Lombarda Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mgr Cremona. Dante Lafrance and all the bishops of Lombardy province of Cremona and the ACLI CreaFuturo, a sign for about a year gathers 13 associations Cremonese committed against nuclear power, including Arci, CGIL, Legambiente, Doctors for the Environment, Pax Christi , Rete Lilliput.
The initiative, submitted on February 23 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cremona, he tries to turn the spotlight, even in the Church, the important ethical issues that the nuclear plan Italian raised in relation to the building of consensus, the principles of defending the lives of people and the environment, in decisions that are taken from their territories and local governments (including the procedures to facilitate the placement of new nuclear power stations on the Italian territory is provided for measuring the commissioner of local authorities who oppose this decision), the development model that introduces and its consequences. In the background, the real possibility that new nuclear power stations are built on the banks of the River Po at the press conference were John the Baptist Brunati Provincial ACLI President, the Vice-President, Carla Bellani, Don Bruno Bignami, Professor of Theology Morale; Mgr. Vince Rini, director of the diocesan weekly Catholic life, Mark Pezzoni, coordinator of CreaFuturo,
"How coordination of associations in the province of Cremona, Mantua, Lodi and Piacenza are entered into a relationship of dialogue and cooperation on these issues with a network of more than 30 municipalities along the river Po, "they write in the letter. "And we felt concerns grow over time local people regarding the decision to relaunch nuclear power." For this reason the bishops are urged "to take a stand, not only because - State associations in their letter - we believe that Christianity, like all religions, has a legitimate public dimension, but because we conceive of "the theology of the environment as a process of discernment and common ecclesiogenesi" (Jacques Haers, Leuven ). "And then, the letter continues," we feel the loneliness and the weakness of our local communities, and private law without a real bargaining power. " Territory, the Plain, "where they already suffer the effects of plants that harm the soil and pollute water and air. Areas that would need extensive remediation and additional loads on ecosystems. Territories whose fragility, as demonstrated by the flood in the Veneto region, requiring "treatment", hydrogeological rehabilitation, prevention and not mega-systems imposed by the logic and the force of law. "
But the strength of his case, now seems to have no effect: "In the face of nuclear Moloch, we feel like David confronting the Goliath without even the slingshot. " But the nuclear issue can not leave anyone indifferent. Much less the Church and Catholics. Thus, while claiming their associations' engagement for the defense of life - non-negotiable value - even on the frontier of energy technologies, "the other re-launched an appeal to the bishops" to defend the natural resources which are common goods el'humus of life itself ":" While no crown or scepter man exempt from obeying the moral law - explain it - too often the concrete life of individuals and society responds only to the logic of power relations that manages to manipulate the actual data. But it is precisely then that the local community most in need of a guide, an authority who can take responsibility for the opinion on the prophetic Unequal distribution of human and environmental risks, the rate of violence and insecurity brought by the nuclear technology, to authentic development. "
So we need - he concludes - "word of truth, position statements in favor of a social-economic orientation that does not generate fear and subservience but is ; source of prosperity for all, ensuring a good life and peace between individuals, peoples and the environment. " Above all, "we need education to nonviolence and nuclear-free conscience."
Valerio Giant
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