Saturday, March 12, 2011

Central Nj Female Escorts

New checks and photos of the popes bunga bunga girl are 13 (million).

Surveys on behalf of Berlusconi. Contacts between Lele Mora and a customs officer, the draft Nicole Minetti to open a dental practice, new moves for arcorine bank. And also check some image "vulgar".

A sergeant of the Guard di finanza in stretto contatto con Lele Mora . Un contratto e una trattativa in corso di Nicole Minetti per aprire uno studio dentistico. Nuove carte bancarie sui generosi pagamenti di Silvio Berlusconi alle ragazze del bunga-bunga. E, come racconta il quotidiano La Repubblica questa mattina, “alcune foto delle ragazze, alcune decisamente volgari”. Sono alcune delle novità sull’inchiesta Ruby contenute nei nuovi documenti depositati dalla Procura di Milano ai difensori del presidente del Consiglio. Niccolo Ghedini and Piero Longo made a courtesy call yesterday morning, the prosecutor Edmondo Bruti Liberati and the addition Ilda Boccassini , that the substitute Antonio Sangermano and adding Pietro Forno LEAD investigations about Berlusconi indicted for extortion and child prostitution immediately. The two have since withdrawn the new legal documents lodged by the prosecutor, with the results of supplementary investigations were made after the decision of the investigating judge Cristina Di Censo to send to trial, on 6 April, President Council.

Among them, the story of a young officer of the Financial Police on duty at the border with Switzerland, which was found to be in contact through an intermediary, with Lele Mora , the impresario of showgirls accused of being one of the "suppliers" of girls for the celebrations of Arcore. The broker is a trustee of Mora often on the phone with the sergeant. When questioned by magistrates in Milan, he has admitted his friendship with the employee of Mora, the visits with the manager and also participating in parties at his home in Viale Monza. However, he denied it in any way favored during his work at the border between Italy and Switzerland . Mora, who has a car with a license plate and the Swiss Confederation has implanted an economic, crosses the border more often. But, it ensures the financier in his interrogation, having never received any "facilitation" in his steps.

From the new card comes a story that has as its protagonist Nicole Minetti , dental hygienist made by Berlusconi to insert in the list of blocked and Roberto Formigoni thus become the Lombardy Regional Councillor. Minetti was negotiating with a contractor and an architect to buy and renovate a building to be transformed into dental . The negotiations, of which there is no trace in the wiretaps, are confirmed by a contract that was found during a search of the Regional Councillor. Investigators are asking with which economic resources Minetti intended to address the significant financial commitment that was about to commit.

The new findings complement other hand, the reconstruction of banking transactions from the accounts of the Prime Minister to the party girl's red light Arcore. The prosecution has identified, among other things, six checks changed in cash in December 2010 by Giuseppe Spinelli , the paymaster of Berlusconi. The figure would be monetized in total 550 000 € 1 million. Added up to more than 11 million have already been identified by the prosecutor as payments to the girls, you'll find the beautiful figure of 13 million.

How to tell some sources, the new legal surveys delivered to the premier, there are also images . According to rumors, these photos are framed in those girls that Berlusconi has always described as "decent." Their poses, however, would not be so "nice", "show in the foreground parts of the body (usually face down) and mimic what happens to the bunga bunga Sapphic eroticism and kisses." "These photos - the paper reads, signed by Piero Colaprico for the Republic-will have more feedback in the audio files: those girls who exchanged through mobile phones and Blackberry to be attached (next Tuesday) in the investigation thereof, on prostitution" .

Yesterday morning was held in Milan, even hearing process Mills (for judicial corruption of a witness David Mills ). It was dedicated to the schedule of hearings, with the prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale worried about "having to navigate, with the risk of limitation. To avoid this, this trial should have a fast track, with nine hearings already scheduled for nine Monday, the day of the week when Berlusconi announced his willingness to come to class without offering any legitimate grounds.

But the power of attorney Calls for a fast track (and possibly hearings on Friday afternoon and Saturday) for the process Ruby , which is with immediate victim under age rite. The prosecutor Bruti Liberati also indicated that his attorney will not open a file on the matter of alleged corruption in Morocco trying to change the birth date of Karima El Mahroug be transformed into an adult.

From Done The Daily of March 12, 2011 ( to refresh from the web editor at 10:13 )


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