The editor of Newsweek: "Berlusconi will humble themselves, is out of control." And on the parliamentary defense of the premier: "Shocking that the deputies will support PDL on TV that their leader face charity to poor girls." On Obama: "The allies would agree to have that govern well, not that control all media."
"This is il momento delle donne”, dice Tina Brown , la giornalista che ha portato al successo Vanity Fair America , svecchiato il New Yorker , inventato il popolarissimo sito di notizie The Daily Beast e che da questa settimana è il neodirettore di Newsweek (comprato dal Daily Beast a novembre per un dollaro). Il primo numero di Newsweek firmato Brown ha dunque in copertina Hillary Clinton e all’interno una classifica delle “150 donne che scuotono il mondo”. E come simbolo del ritorno delle donne sulla scena pubblica Newsweek sceglie, con a full-page photos, the exhibition of Italian women by 13 February. With the belief that it is true to the motto when Brown ran the New Yorker: "The seriousness will come back to be sexy."
Tina Brown, because the decision to dedicate an entire page to revolt against the female bunga bunga?
For me it was really galvanizing see Italian women raise their head and stand up for, say stop the continuous humiliations suffered by the culture of Berlusconi. It's great that finally happened. It was time.
Why the headline in Italian ("No Berlusconi") page on the event?
You know the word "enough" and I like the strength she has. He was also a criticism of the Italian male.
The caption reads that 90% of Italian men have never used a washing machine.
It was a joke, but a statistic that we found. And that has horrified many of the men who work with me.
In the ranking of women to be admired there is only one Italian: Emma Bonino. Why?
Perhaps the fault is ours, because we monitor more countries where the rights are completely lacking, where domestic violence are rife, such as Iran, Africa and the Middle East.
I remind you that the rankings published in the "Daily Beast" in terms of gender equality Italy is in 74th place out of 134 countries.
's right, we should follow more. I organized a summit, which starts tomorrow in New York, where it participates 400 donne provenienti da tutti i paesi: si parlerà anche dell’Italia e della tv berlusconiana.
Ieri al Cairo manifestavano migliaia di donne per la festa dell’otto marzo e per la democrazia .
È esaltante: le donne hanno deciso che devono avere i loro diritti sanciti da una Costituzione. Invece che continuare ad accettare l’emarginazione stanno dicendo: ‘Siamo parte di questo processo, siamo parte del nuovo Egitto. Noi siamo parte della democrazia, anzi siamo la democrazia’.
Lei è una delle donne più potenti nel mondo dell’editoria. Pensa che avrebbe potuto costruire la stessa carriera se fosse nata in Italia?
Io sono inglese, quando mi sono trasferita in America c’erano tantissime opportunità. Il mio successo dipendeva da me: ho avuto davvero pochi ostacoli dovuti al solo fatto di essere una donna. Non ci sono molti altri Paesi che offrono queste opportunità.
Eppure anche negli Usa ci sono poche donne che guidano grandi società.
Infatti comincia ad esserci molto scontento. Poco tempo fa, a Devon, ho moderato un incontro tra Bill Clinton e i 36 amministratori delegati più importanti d’America: non c’era neanche una donna. Possiamo aspirare a posti molto importanti, ma sono sempre al secondo livello: capo del marketing, capo reparto.
Come se lo spiega?
Fa parte della cultura, ma stiamo cominciando a ribellarci. Molte donne si scoraggiano e si accontentano delle retroguardie. Ma c’è un nuovo fenomeno: tante professioniste hanno deciso di aprire le loro società e di guidarle da sé. Io l’ho fatto con il Daily Beast. Sono andata da Barry Diller, il mio editore, gli ho proposto il progetto and now my site is one of the most popular in America. If I had not created my company, I do not think I'd ever been appointed to lead another: and this is because women are scary.
An all-Italian phenomenon: that of the parliamentary majority that go on television to defend Berlusconi even if to say, for example, that "the president does not pay prostitutes, is kind to the poor girls ". What do you think of this behavior?
is one of the most shocking things I've heard. I find it hard to believe that there are women willing to do so. You Italians must denounce these practices as much as possible because just talking about it creates waves of rebellion.
in America have made more headlines Berlusconi's relations with the Mafia or his trial for child prostitution?
(laughs) But you realize that you Italians Berlusconi is beyond all limits? As if he had a public role, or responsibility. He thinks he can live according to the parameters of his moral universe, and that the common rules and ethics do not count anything. It is a huge problem for Italy.
From the dispatches of Wikileaks is clear, however, that President Barack Obama would rather have a weak ally rather than a credible leader.
is very serious for Italy to be considered so. On the other hand, Obama would agree to have leaders who are supported as allies in their countries to govern well, not because they control all media.
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