Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ny license Template

"European Referendum on the atom." Nuclear

I N THE SWISS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THREE suspend the procedures for licensing new plants. A BLOCK OF NUCLEAR OCCUR IN BELGIUM AND POLAND. DOUBTS AND EVEN EMBARRASSED IN FRANCE, WHERE ARE UP 59 reactors and 80% of electricity is nuclear generated CLAIMED WHILE THE REFERENDUM on the atom.

L 'effect Fukushima' is already in place. In Germany, Angela Merkel, who had decided to extend at least ten life of 17 years old plants in Germany, is back on his feet. There will be three months of reflection, but the orientation is toward an immediate closing, note that Berlin would exit from nuclear power.
In Switzerland, the federal government will suspend the proceedings to authorize three new power plants, only after a thorough review of security systems, the project can move forward. A block of nuclear power looms in Belgium and Poland. Poland trailing behind countries such as Slovakia and the Czech Republic had pointed to the nuclear option to gain energy independence. Even in France, where in funzione 59 reattori e l'80 per cento dell'elettricità è di origine nucleare, serpeggiano dubbi e imbarazzo, mentre il movimento ecologista reclama il referendum sull'atomo. Quanto all'Unione Europea nel suo insieme - ha comunicato il commissario all'energia Gunther Oettinger - intende riesaminare gli standard di sicurezza.

Nel mondo sono in funzione 450 reattori che complessivamente forniscono il 14 per cento dell'elettricità consumata globalmente. Molti sono di vecchia generazione. Da vent'anni la costruzione di nuovi impianti segnava il passo. Solo di recente era iniziata una inversione di tendenza, dovuta soprattutto alla decisa Nuclear choice made by China and India. Now everything is questioned. The logic of a generalized reverse so it is quite understandable. Japan has a strong culture earthquake, and in fact the largest civil construction has even endured the shock of a devastating earthquake measuring 9 (that is another matter, of course, for small houses near the coast swept away by the tsunami).
Japan also has a strong culture of nuclear energy half of this which is the third-largest economy comes from the atom. In addition, the country is, so to speak, vaccinated by the tragedy of the bombs in August 1945 destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The experience of the horrors of war and their consequences has increased attention to the problem of radiation and nuclear safety in civil aviation. Nevertheless, we are here with bated breath to follow the development of serious accidents to reactors in Fukushima, two of which are already partially destroyed by explosions due to the accumulation of hydrogen. The situation is so difficult to cool the reactor core is pumping sea water. It 's a solution that reflects the seriousness of what is happening, because it is salt water, sea water will damage plants in such a way as to make it unrecoverable. But even so it is not said that we can prevent the merger core reactor. An incident now classified level 4 and then would jump to level 7, the worst conceivable, the one touched by the Chernobyl reactor.
If Japan with all its seismic technology and its nuclear experience is opposite to this emergency - the reasoning is that many citizens and policy makers are doing - as you can still argue that the central Nuclear plants are safe? And then the 'effect Fukushima "could be translated into a new and perhaps final stop atom. Each argument is of course linked to the attempts being made to block the merger of the reactor cores, the success or otherwise of These efforts mark the course of history.
In Italy the Minister Prestigiacomo, Alfano and Ciccio have already said that it goes: never change course on the wave of emotion. But the impression is that the thoughts of Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Poland and other countries is just the wave of rationality. The Japanese events are clear in their message.
On the other hand, even from a pragmatic point of view, though until recently it was difficult to locate nuclear power plants in Italy, not so much because most of the land is unsuitable because of the seismicity and the scarcity of water for cooling, but because you encounter the hostility of the population, now build consensus seems really a mission impossible.
course, the central Fukushima have their age and the four EPR (European Pressurized Reactor) purchased turnkey from Berlusconi to the market for Sarkozy have extra precautions ( an additional containment building, a "floor" that would limit the damage of any meltdown, a lower production of radioactive waste).
But the substance of the EPR reactors are more conventional, and only presenting the public with a totally new generation of reactors could perhaps replace quell '"Fukushima effect" that now seems prevalent.
If we add that these four plants would produce only six percent of our electricity needs, and not tomorrow but in ten years, the development of nuclear power, partly shared by sectors of the opposition, at this time seems to have little hope.
Piero Bianucci

Words For 1st Anniversary Death

in Italy, the Democratic Party and the map of the sites in 1979: "I'm the same as today, the government is telling the truth."

The map has 32 years but the topic is so hot that the Democratic Party has decided to take it out and make them the subject of parliamentary question.
That map is prepared by the CNEL (National Committee for ' energy nuclear ) in 1979 and covers all the points where, according to the institute, there would be conditions to build a Central nucleare in Italia. Sono oltre 40 siti, spalmati in quasi tutte le regioni della Penisola anche se, elenco alla mano, per il Cnel il sud e le isole sembrano decisamente preferiti per i siti.

Ora che il Giappone combatte la sua guerra con la centrale Fukushima brought to its knees by the earthquake, however, the safety of nuclear power is back to discuss. Certainly, the situation in Japan, does not feed serenity in a population, the Italian one, that nuclear power has already rejected two decades ago in a referendum.

to pull out of the hat map CNEL was Hermes Realacci, head of the Democratic Party for the "green economy". The question states that it submitted a Realacci 12 January 2010, when the government did not deny the validity of the map. "Constraints to identify sites - said Realacci - are given a priori to be geologically stable locations, and water should have a lot to be relatively low population. The intersection of these three factors does not produce one thousand sites, but those set out by CNEN in 1979, even if the government postpones the time when more and make it public. "

Here is the list of potential sites:
Piedmont 1. la zona lungo il Po, da Trino a nord di Chivasso (Vercelli). 2. la zona intorno alla Dora Baltea a sud di Ivrea (Biella)
Lombardia 3. la zona a nord di Voghera lungo il Po (Pavia) 4. la zona a sud di Mantova lungo il Po 5. la zona a sud di Cremona lungo il Po Veneto 6. la zona a sud di Legnago fra Adige e Po (Rovigo) 7. la zona del delta del Po (Rovigo) 8. la zona della foce del Piave (Venezia) 9. la zona costiera al confine con il Friuli (Venezia)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 10. the coastal area on the border with Veneto (Udine) 11. the area along the Tagliamento Spilimbergo and between Latisana (Udine-Pordenone)
Emilia RomagnaToscana 14. Pianosa Island (Livorno) 15. the coastal area north of Cecina to Piombino (Livorno) 16. the area south of Piombino to Follonica (Grosseto) 17. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bGrosseto and the area north and south of Monte Argentario (Grosseto)
Lazio 18. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bMontalto di Castro (Viterbo) 19. the area of \u200b\u200bthe confluence of the Tiber between the Black and Magliano Sabina or Orte (Viterbo) 20. the coastal area of \u200b\u200bBorgo Sabotino (Latina)
Campania 21. Mouth of the Garigliano (Caserta) 22. Foce del Sele (Salerno)
Calabria 23. coastal area of \u200b\u200bSibari (Cosenza) 24. the coastal area between the river and the city of Cosenza Nica. 25. the Ionian coast near the mouth of Neto (Crotone) north of Croton (Strongoli Marina, Torre Melissa, Contrada Cangemi, Trim). 26. the Ionian coast at Marina di Sella, between the river and the river Simeri Alli (Catanzaro)
Molise 27. the southern coastal area at the mouth of Biferno (Termoli)
Puglia 28. coastal area on the border with Basilicata (Taranto) 29. coastal area north of the Gargano promontory near Hvar (Foggia) 30. coast of the Gulf of Manfredonia (Foggia) 31. the Ionian coast north of Porto Cesareo (Lecce) 32. the Ionian coast south of Gallipoli (Lecce) 33. the Adriatic coast north of Otranto (Lecce) 34 natural constraints. the coastal area south of Brindisi (Lecce) 35 natural constraints. at the coastal area of \u200b\u200bOstuni (Brindisi).
Basilicata 36. the entire coast of the Ionian region
Sardinia 37. mouth of Flumendosa (Cagliari) 38. south east coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Nuoro) 39. north east coast of the Gulf of Orosei (Nuoro) 40. coastal area south of Pula Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari) 41. west coast north and south coast of the Gulf of Oristano (Oristano)
Sicily 42. coastal area around the town of Licata (Agrigento) 43. the coastal area between Marina di Ragusa and Torre di Mezzo (Ragusa) 44. the coastal area around Gela (Caltanissetta) 45. the coastal area south of Mazara del Vallo (Trapani).

March 15, 2011

What Does Cockroach Excrement Look Like

Japan: MSF, Caritas and Save the Children working in the rescue.

While salt 6000 the death toll and missing of the earthquake and tsunami last Friday have scolvolto Japan, even the Italian NGOs have mobilized to help the population. Some of most affected areas are still inaccessible, however is very alarming as the situation of nuclear power plants in Fukushima .
The in conjunction with the Italian Caritas Caritas Japanese , although very small, , is trying to address the most urgent needs. "There are four dioceses most affected Sendai, which has been the most damage, Sapporo, Saitama and Tokyo "- brings a note of Caritas." In Tokyo, some parishes are welcome and provide food for people became stuck due to cessation of transport. In the Diocese of Saitama are gathering the availability of volunteers to be sent later in the worst affected areas. "Caritas Japan has launched a campaign of solidarity and last Sunday in all churches of the country was a day of prayer and fundraising for the victims of the earthquake.
Caritas has also set up an emergency team to monitor the situation in other affected areas. The director of Caritas Japan, Daisuke Naru father, confirmed that a general mobilization is under way, including volunteers, and in conjunction with local NGOs. The focus is on the weaker segments of the population and also includes measures of psychological support. Caritas is also committed to focus in particular on the phase of rehabilitation. Italian Caritas has provided an initial contribution of one hundred thousand euro and remains in connection with the international network to monitor the evolution of the situation and support the actions undertaken.
Even the NGO Save the Children is readily activated . "We are extremely concerned for at least 70 000 children displaced by the earthquake and tsunami. So many have lost their homes and were forced to take refuge in places insecure and uncomfortable as evacuation centers, which might prompt further anxiety and fear in them. Then there is the risk that a number of children remained separated from their parents and family "- says Japan Stephen McDonald, coordinator of Save the Children emergency that has been present for 25 years in Japan.
'E' key once to provide support for both children and parents to help them cope with the devastating impact of the earthquake. Save the Children has already sent a team in Sendai - the area worst hit - and established a base of operations "- says McDonald. Moreover, another NGO team is deployed along the road from Tokyo to Sendai to organize and set up the "safe areas" for children, spaces where they can play and variations, allowing parents to register for emergency aid and assistance. Save the Children also will also undertake activities for reunification of unaccompanied minors and separated from their parents.
The 12 non-governmental organizations to ACT support the work of Save the Children and other companies already in place , but estimated that it was not appropriate to intervene jointly in a situation characterized by a high capacity of local response, especially at a time when other major humanitarian emergencies efforts require major logistical and operational (Ivory Coast, North Africa, Somalia). "NGOs have a strong history of ACT intervention in crisis situations in non-industrialized countries, characterized by weak infrastructure, endemic poverty, lack of national institutions prepared. In Japan the situation is different and our in-depth evaluation led us to believe that the appeal action is not currently a real added value. " ACT, however, "non esclude la possibilità di attivare un appello successivamente, qualora si configurasse una diversa esigenza di sostegno all’attività di soccorso locale da parte di organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali". Nel frattempo, AGIRE sostiene le attività di Save the Children, una propria organizzazione associata e che ha immediatamente attivato una rete di interventi a sostegno dell’infanzia.
Le équipe di Medici Senza Frontiere sono state subito mandate nelle zone colpite dal terremoto e dal successivo tsunami nel nordest del Giappone e stanno assistendo la popolazione supportando il massiccio intervento guidato dal governo. MSF è presente nei luoghi del disastro con 10 operatori giapponesi, ma altro personale si sta recando nella zona. "Domenica, attraverso due nostre cliniche mobili, abbiamo compiuto una valutazione in due centri per sfollati, dove i bisogni medici sembrano aumentare" - dichiara Mikiko Dotsu, coordinatore dell'équipe di MSF.
“Ci è stato riferito dalle autorità che in una zona nei dintorni di Minamisunriku, nel Miyagi settentrionale, vi erano 9200 people displaced in 20 centers, with urgent need of water, basic necessities and medical care, "said Mikiko Dotsu, emergency coordinator for MSF. While the wounded were evacuated by helicopter, there were many elderly, some with signs of dehydration. MSF is identifying some specific needs, such as the need of oxygen, essential supplies, medical supplies and water, and will work alongside the Japanese authorities to assist the population. "The situation remains difficult for those who survived the disaster, as it affected a large area of \u200b\u200bthe prefecture is still without water and electricity" - explains MSF is also monitoring the situation in the area of \u200b\u200b nuclear plants in Fukushima : "If there is a serious nuclear accident, is merely the Japanese government to be able to respond "- said the report of MSF.
The Italian Red Cross (CRI) opened a library funds to support the populations affected by earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The contributions collected by the Crees will be used to support activities' sister company of Japanese assistance to help people, in close collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

What Brand Of Hair Does Lala Wear


08:15 March 15, 2011 - Tokyo, March 15. - Two new outbreaks of the nuclear power plant Fukushima 1, located 250 km northeast of Tokyo and is the first 'occurred in reactor number two, then the other in reactor number four, where he' ALSO 'developed a fire, extinguished only after some time.
Although 'the number four reactor was stopped for maintenance work on Friday when' the area was last hit by an earthquake of magnitude 9.0, according to the chief spokesman Government of Japan, Yukio Edan, "the spent nuclear fuel and is' overheated, producing hydrogen and triggered the explosion." Are therefore four of six reactors of the plant where there have been outbreaks of huge proportions as it was already 'been at number one and number three respectively on Saturday and Sunday. The authorities 'have warned that the radiation levels around the central' has become dangerous to health and, although 'had already' been evacuated residents within a 20 km exclusion zone from the central Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged to stay inside even those who reside within a range of 10 km further from the edge of the exclusion zone itself.
levels of radioactivity 'ten times higher to standard were recorded today in Maebashi, a city 'located about 100 km north of Tokyo has announced the Japanese news agency' Kyodo ', citing municipal sources. Even Japan's capital in the same day in the radiation have been reported on the rise, but still such a degree, according to authorities' metropolitanme, "not to cause any problem." Edan, in turn, explained that the level of radiation and 'currently 30 millisievert between number two and three reactors of 400 millisievert near three of the same reactor and 100 close to the reactor four. A single dose of 1,000 millisievert, that 'a sievert and that' unity 'of measurement of radioactivity,' may 'cause sicknesses such as nausea, temporary and vomiting, and one of 5,000 millisievert 'can kill within one month about half' of those who have received. Understanding of the scale, 'just think that a normal chest X-ray usually leads to a dose of 20 microsievert.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fireman Sam Wallpaper

the government of the country. As the world remembers the impact of the nuclear Prestigiacomo and the Government have no doubts: "Italy continues." Nuclear

The stupidity, ignorance and ' Government made unconscious.

The Italian line on Nuclear does not change. " This was stated by Minister for the Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo , during a press conference in Brussels on the sidelines of the Council of Ministers has also dealt with the catastrophe that occurred in Japan. "No understatement," the minister added, however that should not be created "not an alarmist than an exceptional situation, a calamity which has been called an apocalypse in a country with high seismic risk." Prestigiacomo then again criticized the "profiteering policy for domestic purposes" and "macabre speculation" putting underway in Italy by anti-nuclear.

This morning, the EU environment ministers have gathered in Council in Brussels. And Prestigiacomo Ministry spokesman spoke of a "problem" for damage to the central Japanese: "At the beginning of the meeting - said in a statement by the spokesman of the minister - the EU Commissioner has intervened on the issue of damages suffered by some Japanese as a result of central the earthquake and tsunami. "

's statements Prestigiacomo on Italian nuclear project that does not stop coming just a few hours of the announcement of a meeting of the Minister with representatives of associations of the renewable energy sector. The meetings are scheduled for Wednesday afternoon: "The aim of the meetings, convened after the recent approval of the decree on the renewal by the Council of Ministers is to listen to the demands of operators in the industry to reach shared decisions that protect businesses and workers by ensuring that all 'Italy to be a future leader in the field. "

considerations which immediately created criticisms and reactions, but Prestigiacomo, in the evening, he said in his speech in favor of nuclear energy.

the risk of earthquake, said the minister, "is a parameter that is considered to exclude parts of the territory where this is particularly high and the frequency with which earthquakes occur in Japan "is not comparable to ours. Please avoid speculating, using situations that have no analogy. "
According to the European and international programs Prestigiacomo energy "will not change based on what has happened in Japan and Western countries have already committed themselves to achieving energy mix."
this circumstance also denied by Angela Merkel and Barack Obama, who yesterday, on programs of Germany and the U.S. have slowed.

Minister of Public Administration and Innovation, Renato Brenetta , guest Sky Tg 24 is went further, criticizing the choice of Germany and the U.S., stressing that "there is a lot of hypocrisy. We have not done that we should not even think of them? "Says Brunetta, who notes:" If everyone said now stop that nuclear would end the price of oil? ". The minister also points out that Italy is a country "seismic partially in some areas there has never been earthquakes, and this is already present in the assessments of sites and plants that will be built."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Polyps

, Mario Tozzi: "The policy would do better to shut up."

Hard Attack of the geologist to the reactions of the government majority in the face of nuclear threat from Japan destroyed by the earthquake.

"I am irresponsible. Talk less and study more. " Mario Tozzi , maître à penser and bust environmentalism Italian television, does not mince words in commenting on the reactions of our house to the Japanese earthquake and the threat of nuclear disaster. The statements of various Fabrizio Cicchitto and Pier Ferdinando Casini , Tozzi are not to your liking. It 's a river in flood: "It is to be appalled. These politicians are pretending to be of theoretical nuclear physics. Do not even have the decency to use caution in situations like this should be a must. "

Tozzi then not talk to the editorial of today's Messenger signed by Oscar Giannino . An article that has climbed in the dark of the statements which were then blatantly denied. The reporter wrote that what happened in Japan was the "litmus test" of security of energy produced from the atom. "What a miserable figure to Giannino - attacks Tozzi - But one thing is served: to unmask the Italian habit to get into the chair and talk about things that do not know."

Di fronte alla minaccia di un disastro nucleare, la parola d’ordine della lobby nucleare nostrana è minimizzare. “Anche l’incubo che sta vivendo il Giappone in queste ore con il danneggiamento di un reattore – continua il giornalista – in Italia viene declinato a mero strumento di propaganda politica e ideologica. Difendono l’atomo solo perché non possono tornare indietro”.

Secondo il conduttore di “Gaia, il pianeta che vive” (Which returns to air on Rai Tre from March 31) the most egregious lies of the pro-lobby atom are two: the security and affordability this source of energy. That tragedy is the Japanese dramatically revealing.

"Nuclear power plants in Japan - says Tozzi - were built to withstand an earthquake of 8.5 degrees of Richter scale . Then what happened? E 'come an earthquake of 8.9 and facilities could not keep. " The Italian plants will be built to withstand the shock of approximately 7.1 degrees, but, as claimed by Tozzi, "who assures us that one day there will come a more powerful earthquake?". No, indeed. Because earthquakes are phenomena that can not be foreseen. In addition, the Japanese disaster occurred in the country's most technologically advanced del mondo. A Tokio infatti è radicata una seria cultura del rischio che è frutto di una profonda conoscenza di questi fenomeni. “Con quale faccia di tolla i vari Cicchitto ci vengono a vendere l’idea che in Italia, in caso di terremoto, le cose possano andare meglio che in Giappone? Il terremoto dell’ Aquila se si fosse verificato in Giappone non avrebbe provocato neanche la caduta di un cornicione. Da noi ha causato 300 morti. Chi può credere alle farneticazioni sulla sicurezza del nucleare italiano?”, chiede sarcasticamente Tozzi. E’ vero che l’incidente nucleare è più raro, ma è altrettanto vero che è mille times more dangerous. And the Japanese case, according to Tozzi, is from the manual: "If you break the power plant's cooling system becomes exactly like a huge atomic bomb. Perhaps this is the litmus test mentioned by Giannino.

And then there is the question of the alleged cost of energy produced from the atom. "The various political and alleged experts - argued Tozzi - you fill your mouth saying that the kilowatt-hour produced from the atom is cheaper than that produced by other sources. But it is not true. We know how much is really only when we inactivated the first kilogram of radioactive waste produced by power plants. And that is, between 30 thousand years. " According to the journalist, the lobby that wants the return of its nuclear propaganda value for money without considering externality, namely the additional costs that make up the price. Ranging from the disposal of waste (a problem that no country in the world has yet to resolve definitively) the social and economic costs of an accident. "It is money that the nuclear count - he says Tozzi - because they are costs that will fall on citizens and future generations."

On June 12, is planning a referendum that, among other things, calls for the repeal of the return of Italy to the atom. The reference to what happened at Chernobyl in 1987, large anti-nuclear protests to the referendum that sanctioned the abandonment of nuclear energy is a must. Mario Tozzi But the comparison is not convincing: "We come from 25 years of numbness of conscience. Today we have people like Chicco Testa and Umberto Veronesi experts who make false and misleading ads that the public astray. " In short, the link between the incident that shook the conscience and the vote of the people that worked in 1987, today could fail. But on June 12 did not vote just to say no to the atom. Citizens are also called to speak out against the privatization of water resources and the law on such failure. Topics that next to no atom could convince people to go to the polls. And allow the referendum to back a quorum.

Lorenzo Galeazzi and Federico Mello

Alternatives Of Demi Glace

The appeal of a priest, "the Italian Church, converted."

A letter to denounce the risk of return to nuclear energy in our country and to solicit a commitment to education and culture that promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy, and greater awareness about the alternatives, and already available to the atom, in the light of the principles the social teachings. They written to the President of the Episcopal Conference Lombarda Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mgr Cremona. Dante Lafrance and all the bishops of Lombardy province of Cremona and the ACLI CreaFuturo, a sign for about a year gathers 13 associations Cremonese committed against nuclear power, including Arci, CGIL, Legambiente, Doctors for the Environment, Pax Christi , Rete Lilliput.

The initiative, submitted on February 23 at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cremona, he tries to turn the spotlight, even in the Church, the important ethical issues that the nuclear plan Italian raised in relation to the building of consensus, the principles of defending the lives of people and the environment, in decisions that are taken from their territories and local governments (including the procedures to facilitate the placement of new nuclear power stations on the Italian territory is provided for measuring the commissioner of local authorities who oppose this decision), the development model that introduces and its consequences. In the background, the real possibility that new nuclear power stations are built on the banks of the River Po at the press conference were John the Baptist Brunati Provincial ACLI President, the Vice-President, Carla Bellani, Don Bruno Bignami, Professor of Theology Morale; Mgr. Vince Rini, director of the diocesan weekly Catholic life, Mark Pezzoni, coordinator of CreaFuturo,

"How coordination of associations in the province of Cremona, Mantua, Lodi and Piacenza are entered into a relationship of dialogue and cooperation on these issues with a network of more than 30 municipalities along the river Po, "they write in the letter. "And we felt concerns grow over time local people regarding the decision to relaunch nuclear power." For this reason the bishops are urged "to take a stand, not only because - State associations in their letter - we believe that Christianity, like all religions, has a legitimate public dimension, but because we conceive of "the theology of the environment as a process of discernment and common ecclesiogenesi" (Jacques Haers, Leuven ). "And then, the letter continues," we feel the loneliness and the weakness of our local communities, and private law without a real bargaining power. " Territory, the Plain, "where they already suffer the effects of plants that harm the soil and pollute water and air. Areas that would need extensive remediation and additional loads on ecosystems. Territories whose fragility, as demonstrated by the flood in the Veneto region, requiring "treatment", hydrogeological rehabilitation, prevention and not mega-systems imposed by the logic and the force of law. "

But the strength of his case, now seems to have no effect: "In the face of nuclear Moloch, we feel like David confronting the Goliath without even the slingshot. " But the nuclear issue can not leave anyone indifferent. Much less the Church and Catholics. Thus, while claiming their associations' engagement for the defense of life - non-negotiable value - even on the frontier of energy technologies, "the other re-launched an appeal to the bishops" to defend the natural resources which are common goods el'humus of life itself ":" While no crown or scepter man exempt from obeying the moral law - explain it - too often the concrete life of individuals and society responds only to the logic of power relations that manages to manipulate the actual data. But it is precisely then that the local community most in need of a guide, an authority who can take responsibility for the opinion on the prophetic Unequal distribution of human and environmental risks, the rate of violence and insecurity brought by the nuclear technology, to authentic development. "

So we need - he concludes - "word of truth, position statements in favor of a social-economic orientation that does not generate fear and subservience but is ; source of prosperity for all, ensuring a good life and peace between individuals, peoples and the environment. " Above all, "we need education to nonviolence and nuclear-free conscience."

Valerio Giant

Accident Counter Offer Letter

The Church surrenders to the lure of power Berlusconi.

"We need to hear the echo of Jesus' words in the words of the Bishops", a group of "Christians of the Church of Modena," he called it the letter to the bishop City Mgr. Antonio Lanfranchi. The letter, initiated in early February by the Christian community at the base of the artisan village, within a few days has been around a lot within the diocese, supported and discussed by various church groups, inside and outside the parishes.

"We appeal to you - write the believers Modena Msgr. Lanfranchi - because he is our shepherd. We know that his role and his ministry is just to listen, to comfort, to keep the flock together, that Christian and help lead the people to live in faith, hope and charity. We want to some express our deep concern with simplicity but also with all boldness. "

Below is a list that, almost to a crescendo, shows all the discomfort and dismay that so many Christian communities are faced with the current political landscape: "We are worried because we see our country slip more and more in a general crisis, and despair experienced by many with no way out, a crisis that threatens to undermine the unity of the nation, in its institutional aspects, political and social issues. And the despair is not a Christian virtue. We are shocked because we see the political class that governs this country sink ever deeper into moral decay, into attitude of impunity, in the pursuit of personal gain and their friends in the looting of public affairs and in the systematic destruction of the foundations of civil and democratic. We are angry because this same political class, the government has misled and continues to deceive the poor with false promises, with liberal use of the media and perverse, with the ostentatious display of patterns of behavior radically contrary to the common moral sentiment of our people '.

But the biggest concern, Christians Modena express it in respect of their church: "We know - write it - that the head of the CEI and the rooms of the Vatican Curia decided long ago to support the right-wing majority in the government today. It is generally more widespread, even among Catholic believers and practitioners, that this alliance is the result of arrangements of power, seeking privileges for the Church and legitimacy for the government. It is worth compromising the credibility of the Gospel image of the Church for a mess of pottage? ". Even so, Christians continue Modena, in the name of this agreement "have in fact endorsed policies, some of the mold typically xenophobic, quite contrary not only to the Gospel but also to the social doctrine of the Church. " The voices in the Church have so far raised base to denounce this dangerous alliance throne-altar are "always ignored, censored or minimized." Even now that 'the moral abyss and the lifestyle of the unspeakable prime minister himself is under the eyes of the world, "the leaders of the CEI" found the strength and dignity to utter clear words, to get out of regrets, generic that affects everyone and therefore no one, finally using the language of the Gospel of Yes, yes, no no. " This attitude contrasts with the way, very different, which was treated with the previous Prodi government, "that was not only not supported but it was even opposed, perhaps because most free, certainly more secular and less willing to secret agreements."

"It is important that we realize that the very basis of the Church is growing discomfort, the dissent, the suffering, the slow and silent surrender. The bitter feeling of many, right or wrong, is that pastors have betrayed their flock, have preferred the soft palaces of Herod the grotto of Bethlehem, have shamefully abandoned the prophecy. And this trust in God, is technically un comportamento ateo».

Di qui una proposta «che può sembrare provocatoria», ma che costituirebbe un segnale importante da parte delle gerarchie della Chiesa: «La Cei e il Vaticano dichiarino pubblicamente di rinunciare all’esenzione del pagamento dell’Ici sulle proprietà della Chiesa che siano fonti di reddito; che abbiano il coraggio di dire di no a questa proposta scellerata. Acquisterebbero un po’ di stima e credibilità, perché questo, fra i tanti, è uno scandalo che grida vendetta».

(Cristiani modenesi)

Formal Dresses Under 40

"Berlusconi is a prisoner. "

"Here are my conditions." Former minister puts its finger on Verdini, La Russa and Tremonti. "The people of Forza Italy suffers," he says. Then he closes in Arcore for a face to face with the premier.
missing three hours meeting with Silvio Berlusconi. Claudio Scajola, direct Arcore, line up thoughts: "The independent groups could be a way to have more comparison. We do not want Blue to freedom? Discuss. But the only sure thing is that you can not say do not do groups, and everything remains as is. " This time there is a chair with more or less, the party or the government that the case may fall. The former minister wants clarification true background. Because the point is politico.Prima any question of organization to be analyzed what happened in these years, so frankly, without circumlocution: "There is a deep discomfort - is the reasoning of Scajola - both in Parliament and in the territory you can not hide. Two years after its inception, the PDL has not yet been built really, it's not clear how the issue of quotas between Italy and the former An ex Force, the release of Fini is a fact that has had serious consequences in the party, in short amalgam has failed. " And if things do not go, if the model of anarchist party fuels conflict, not the result of chance or fate cynical and cheat. Especially because of all the warning signs, one should touch the deepest strings of Prime Minister: "The people of Forza Italy is uncomfortable, it feels without reference points, in contrast to the National Alliance, which have a casing, an organizational structure '. That's the point, the cry of pain of blue. That justifies an indictment, now that everybody's playing at cards, to the deck of the current command, to "those who want us to leave everything as is." And "those" Verdini and Russia, are those who have put a veto on the return of Scajola the party, after Knight had shown more than a chance on his return, during a meeting two weeks ago. It is no coincidence that the pizzino was posted by Marcello Dell'Utri, through an interview with Corriere (title: "No more time Scajola, we aim Verdini '). Sign that the interrelationship between the current caste pidiellina dossier production and some consensus is close, very close. Humility is a sign that speaks way more than business - which, mind you, is not automatically synonymous with lawlessness - that of party life. A sign that even in a party that professes to light some cells become untouchable, file after file, and perhaps investigation after investigation. And the name of the former minister is cumbersome, it would produce a change in the balance of power in the PDL and not only, as it represents a reference to former blue who feel cannibalized by the former An. Yet for some lobbying, although perhaps not those which the existing weave canvas bi-unviri. Just phrases Dell'Utri Scajola pushed to break through the inertia, "is not clear why I give up my say. I resigned from the government, no one ask me, I waited until the investigation without being investigated. A finite things, when I came back a bit 'desire to take care of street politics, the words of Marcellus I was surprised, in fact I have offended. They are a sign that you want to leave everything as is. " And the prime minister of this property, an innovative character, it would be more the victim than the cause. Paralyzed the Party. Plastered to the government, where the space for maneuver between the constraints imposed by Giulio Tremonti are tight. Yeah, Tremonti. With the eye of today, everything becomes clearer, and perhaps more disturbing. As the role of yellow flames Scajola involved in the investigation, even as the government had cut the lead the anti-Tremonti: if it continues - he said the then Minister for Development - gradually empties our constituency in favor of the League and Berlusconi leaving frayed. Today a thread unites all party and government, issues that seem apparently different, "Berlusconi - said Scajola - is a prisoner." The way to find spaces of freedom, may be different, but the fund should be found a spirit: "With me there are those who love him to Berlusconi loyalists. I'm not the one that breaks the party, I really have built the Forza Italy. And they are not one who does actions against, much less against Berlusconi. I am open to finding solutions. " Could be the entrance to the government of men connected to Scajola, or his return to the party. Otherwise, the green light to self-parliamentary groups, "Blues for freedom." Already secure signatures, and even the prospects of instability for the majority. At eight o'clock in the evening comes from Claudio Scajola Arcore. The interview lasted two hours. It was "long and friendly." The prime minister was willing. While avoiding the formation of autonomous groups went along with the wishes of both the party and the government. But he asked for some 'time. Because the boxes are small, many appetites.
Alessandro De Angelis

How To Make A Carriage Baby Cake

Release March 8.

On March 8, requires a bit ' of those "think" usually rightly abhorred but here are used to make a theme inevitably caught the collective experience through its "guts like that." I have never managed to make my own theories about God mother (for a male worthy of the name to trace the universe has always seemed a waste to kill himself within just two millennia and make it a her), but defying the risk of dangerous misunderstandings still dare to believe that being a woman is essentially grace, understood as the manifestation of the sovereign does not have the free and not calculated, as well The existence in search of life's unpredictable.

Imagining the future beyond the stereotypes of this often turned into chains of fate than anything else they have in the course of a long history of liberation of our holy sisters, witches, whores and virgins if not groped through the grace of being "just" women?

Attraverso la ribellione ai ruoli imposti dalla grande macchina risultante da consenso, buon senso, saperi codificati, poteri e strapoteri, la consapevolezza sessuale di genere si è presa per mano con il genere umano nel suo insieme e ha cercato la strada di un’umanità liberata dalla violenza di un corpo imposto come maschera e liberata dallo stupro dell’anima costretta a dare corpo a quella stessa maschera.

Ma che ne è della liberazione della donna se perde la sua grazia “propulsiva” e diviene narcisistica e cinica omologazione? Dove gli effetti culturalmente percepibili di free men and women able to give a different reason for the hope of tomorrow?

Clearly the "no" to clutter coagulated by Berlusconi. But right here I believe we need to emphasize the "no" to the pervasive intelligence with the enemy "starring wherever the many heirs of many releases, including women: the triumph of freedom in the debased particulare; progressivism be understood as open-mindedness, the rightful contradictorily as a negation of the sense of limits and the mystery of human society incattivita measured only with market parameters; children "democratic education", in the sense of total and enthusiastic commitment to the principle of ignorance same for everyone, young and yet still unknown, "including" (known to democracy and release all children are born instead of "misunderstood", taught to think, and fight for what they it is believed), the addiction to uninhibited vulgarity passes for modernity (still inexcusable that ass dissected on display in advertising founding of the new units); faces and bodies "plastic, coated and standard (a standard also left because 'after' emancipation we women have rediscovered the pleasures of the body: what sacrosanct if it did not turned into a sort of monstrous collective alienation that has nothing to do with the charm of sensuality), in a string of groundbreaking scheme that is not so much turn over in his grave Maria Goretti who or what Rosa Luxemburg for her men and women took to the policy anodyne a Administration existent, at best, of course, and that left vying to appear more 'bourgeois' and cynical of others not to go for old-fashioned, frightening women, surrogates of the worst men in every sphere of power, they do shy away from any situation, in itself odd, to "quote rosa", etc..

I can already hear the objection, but ordinary people is healthy, that work consist of the demonstration on 13 February for the dignity of women. Safe? Well, then the "normal" you ask about "what to do," because around, "normal" understood, there are more people on facebook that citizens capable of an alternative for this country, and more mobile phones than words and stories with sense to be transmitted.
Contra Spem for a new 8 March to you all.