The man opens his eyes .. can not understand where he is. It 'a rude awakening. E 'numb, confused and unable to move. The wonder and anxiety attack him when he realizes to be surrounded by a tangle of bodies, poor souls looking for help, seeking answers. Arms and hands that diligently seek him, the desperate pull, grab him. Here's what it was that prevented any movement. The hands hold him tight and their grip becomes iron, and any attempt to escape, it seems that its meat is rend.
being in this situation?
At one point the man closes his eyes as his head bows forward .. E 'sick .. E 'saddened and disappointed ..
Its not a surrender, however, is not a resigned acceptance.
His fists are closed tight, his muscles tense, his jaw tightening the bite .. the man is getting ready.
The head is raised with a rapid movement. The eyes are open now. His look is deep, resolute, determined. Through those eyes could now see his spirit, you might understand that it is no longer a naive child.
The torso bends forward while the bodies, which have been attacked for who knows how long, are not willing to let go, do not want to let go of that body and spirit. They need it. He continues trying to push the limits of its possibilities. His eyes .. in his eyes we see his energy, his strength .. in them vi è uno spazio immenso. Guardate dentro quegli occhi e capirete che nessuno lo potrà più fermare. Le mani che lo trattengono piano piano iniziano a mollare la presa e, nel tentativo di recuperarla gesticolano in modo sconclusionato e disperato.
Ormai l'uomo è libero. Inizia a camminare.
All'inizio l'andatura è lenta, pesante, ma piano piano si alleggerisce. I suoi occhi si riempiono di lacrime per la pace che sta ritrovando.
Mentre cammina si rende conto che le sue mani ora non sono più serrate. Avvvolgono dolcemente altre mani piccole e delicate. Si volta a guardare. I due volti dei bambini che lo stanno accompagnando sono sereni e lui è più felice. Gli sorridono. Per la prima volta è spensierato dopo un tempo very long. He knows that they are not asking for anything, not asking for answers, not problems. I'm with him and are happy for that. Their little souls are deeply tied to his. They have a natural tendency to imitate him, to want to become like him.
The man and two children sit on a beach by the sea. The sea breeze, the warmth of the setting sun, the sea calm. It 'a moment of peace to which man needs. closes his eyes and smiles. He hears the cries of the children with their nice fresh voices .. The well-being along the body. He wants to stop time in this moment. Remain suspended. Contact
small hands it back to reality .. The two bright and beautiful faces are smiling there in front of him watch it .. take the hands and pull him to get him up.
"Come on Dad! You can not stop right now .."
No, the man did not stop. Needs only to look deep into his eyes to understand it. To understand that it will not stop anymore.
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