L'essere umano è di per se una incredibile meraviglia. Il fatto di avere una coscienza e di rendersene conto makes us unique beings.
I like to imagine that our true spirit and as a young man who lives in us. I can imagine why young and naive ruled by feelings and sensations.

The young man on a beach with beautiful colors. The calm sea and the sky with purple clouds that seem to float almost painted. His world is linked to another .. its very existence is tied to another. They live in symbiosis.
He lies on the sand bright and comfortable and looks at the sky. The hands are relaxed in his head from the pillow. On his face a smile of pleasure. It is addressed to another .. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure you can .."
"why do not you feel the most?"
"This has become a painful situation for me, why do not perceive it any more!"
"But you I've always said that love is what matters. Even if it brings pain is a feeling that it's worth to try .. You said it yourself!"
"I know .. I have said many things but sometimes reality is hard to accept. Then he flies away. You try to forget."
"But I do not want to forget .. I liked her. We were fine with her"
The child closes his eyes and brings those memories to the surface "When she was there everything was perfect .. the colors of sea and sky blend gently. The air was scented, everything was brighter .. It was a pleasure to open our eyes in the morning and evening before resting blissfully watched the moon and the stars that chased dancing .. You know what I mean? I know because again that is close to us? "
" Stop .. you're just a foolish child, and nothing more .. I tried searching, I have traveled to distant worlds have crossed the seas, I climbed mountains, I have even defied the laws of nature. She does not really exist .. You got there! "The young today
had gathered, their arms held her legs curled up and rested her head with her face hidden between his knees.
" The wind was warm and enveloping as her breath, her perfume nel'aria felt like a thousand fields of flowers, the earth was soft and smooth as his skin, the sky was clear and bright as her eyes. Around me were sweet and muffled sounds as if they were whispered in my ears .. You'd like to say that this has never existed? "
" What you see, what you feel is just a dream "
" That may be true but for me it is real. For me it's worth continuing to look for, to suffer if necessary because all this makes me feel alive. I want to feel again the warmth of love "
" No.. you have to stop. Love is suffering and I'm sick, you got it .. STOVE "
The young man had fallen asleep. In his occhi mille lacrime e la delusione per la resa. Nel suo mondo era piombata l'oscurità.
Una voce decisa lo riportò alla realtà..
"Dai alzati, dammi la mano.. Ti voglio fare un regalo. E' una promessa. Io continuerò a cercarla e non importa dove o quando ma so che la troverò. Lo faccio per noi perchè è vero, è l'amore quello che conta. Noi in fondo questo siamo, piccoli sprazzi di energia che chiamiamo sentimenti che condizionano la nostra esistenza.. ma senza di questi cosa saremmo?"
Il fanciullo adesso sedeva in riva al mare mentre all'orizzonte il bagliore di una nuova alba illuminava il suo volto sorridente.
"Grazie.. noi due insieme siamo un essere veramente straordinario"

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