Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Much Does A Platypus Cost?

Man made of stars

The man's greatness is measured in Based on what we look for and the insistence with which he is seeking. (Heidegger)

The matter composing it from a distance. Time can not frighten them and space is what he calls home ..

A man made of stars looking our lives .. Our problems bore him silly. The beauty and vanity does not attract him. Wealth and power do smile ..

We are like dust in the wind for him, but we have something that intrigues him, torments him, something he will never try. He that is within it a spark of energy, balance .. Already
.. the his eternal perfection makes him different from us, but he will never know what it means to be born, be generated by love .. an act for him as primitive, but it heats up more than a thousand suns .. will never know .. and live in his eternal desire to try for once the heat of imperfection ..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Really Yellow Urine/cm Early Pregnancy

I remember the popular districts of Turin in the 70s ..
Flats workers swarming with gray .. a house with two rooms on the third floor in Via Premuda, that I slept in the hall of 2m to 2m in a mobile bed ..
I remember hundreds of children playing in the street .. the meadows and cement .. the elephant's leg trousers, boots, leather jackets, the tight .. I remember my hair curls .. I remember the football games where he dreamed of becoming champions .. I remember my first love but had never reciprocated .. I remember the fights almost always because of my brother .. I remember my first bike .. I remember my friends .. I remember being too Child I. .. the happiness and disappointments, the dreams .. I remember and I feel like crying .. I remember and I want to hug my children ..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Response Card Wording In Spanish

I remember a kid I would change the world ...

It 's a beautiful prison, the world. (Shakespeare , Amleto )

Vorrei avere il potere di cambiare il mondo..
Vorrei un mondo colorato, bello e luminoso, pieno di arte e poesia..
lo vorrei perfetto!

Vorrei cambiare il mondo.. e lo regalerei ai bambini

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spells Into Becoming A Wolf

Because of you!

E' comune difetto degli uomini non fare conto, nella bonaccia, della tempesta. (Machiavelli)

E' tutta colpa dell'amore, di questo cieco sentimento e della nostra strana natura... E' colpa dell'amore... E' colpa sua..

E' colpa sua fino a quando ci innamoriamo di nuovo......

SKUNK ANANSIE "Because of you" 2009
Because of you the tears dead in my eyes they freeze until I'm blind the eyes a gift from you

because of you the scratches on my face will never be erased by someone else's warmth

because of you the winter feeds my heart while summer blows and burns my disappearing youth

My looooove is gone Never feel again because of loooooove I feeeeel nothing

because of you I'll never feel again the agony of pain will never bruise or

start Because of you our passion Tends to lead with all my lovers do with pieces from my heart

My loooove is never done again feeeeel Because of feeeeeeeel nothing I looooove

Because of feeeeel nothing I looooove

Because Of You Because Because of you I looooooove of feeeeeel Because of looooooove nothing I feel nothing

Monday, September 28, 2009

Scrapbook For Hen Party

The course of nature .. (Philosophy of a madman)

Human reason is plagued with questions that can not be rejected because they are assigned from the nature of reason itself, and which, however, can not even answer, because they surpass the capacity of reason human. (Kant)

Every day the sun rises .. and this happens from time endless.
You can try to understand why this happens, you can try to give a logical explanation, one can think that is something extremely boring .. Should we try to convince the sun to change direction or movement, at least for a day? Perhaps we should explain to the sun that his monotonous go is a stupid thing?
One thing is certain .. Also today, the sight of the sun made me realize that it will be another good day .. and I'm happy (no need to explain why)

Monday, September 14, 2009

How Does Pregnancy Discharge Look

pills ...

have finally invented the pill that erases the bad memories, those that generate in us anxiety, stress, fears ... CHEERS!
I wonder ... I poisoned my soul and my undermined stability for two and a half years, I struggled to maintain and control the reason ...
and instead ............ had only a fucking pill ... a silly fucking pill? ...

the evening before going to bed me and I would be swallowed in the morning ... ZAC, all right .. the amygdala was reset ... But I doubt
is a ... if it takes away the bad memories but not the cause then .....!?!?! means that I could relive this situation and on ... and then in the evening of the new pill ...


NO!!! Io ho sofferto, ho vissuto bruttissimi momenti, ho dovuto lottare, ho mangiato la polvere, ho sbagliato, ho commesso moltissimi errori... Ma mi sono rialzato..
Adesso Non permetterò più a NESSUNO di buttarmi a terra senza lottare fino allo stremo delle mie forze.. A NESSUNO! e non sarà una pillola a farmi dimenticare tutto.. io voglio ricordare perchè il ricordo mi permette di evitare di commettere di nuovo errori, il ricordo mi aiuta ad essere un uomo migliore..
Devo essere un uomo migliore, per me e per i miei figli...

E ci sono momenti in cui voglio ricordare while I isolate myself alone in my inner dimension .. Sometimes it's nice also to be alone with ourselves ...

My traveling companions ... I dedicate this song ...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Expedite Vs Expediate

A perfect man?

control, balance, calm, strength, stability ...
there is no perfect man .. or does it?
I have not abandoned my blog ....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Too Much Blood In Body



Orthopedic Shoes For Foot Surgery



Monday, July 27, 2009

How Much Does Bangbros Pay Stars

Time to pull out ..

special situations in my life forced me to take a break .. The blog helped me a lot and introduced me to many special and interesting .. I had rediscovered a part of me that was asleep ..
know that I am fond of you and I love you ..
come back to write .. will happen when I removed all the gray areas that disturb me at this moment, I destabilize ..
soon so my dear friends and traveling companions ..

Friday, July 17, 2009

Chicago Cruising Spots

I've got a feeling ... (Then I'm alive)

I decided to write a post for the pleasure of writing and not to download the bitterness of the moment.

Now I am certain that the feeling does not disappear .. is hidden but always present in us and it takes so little to re-fed powerfully.

I now feel it and smile. I love, love life ..
I feel that every day will be a good day because I want .. and I'm happy ..

tonight will be a very good night .. and I'll give love.

Friday, July 10, 2009

20foot Or Less Sailboats

The hardest part ..

The hardest part for me is to start over.
My soul, my integrity, my dreams ... Everything burned.
do not know if I really want to rebuild something.
I've got the balls filled with seek answers, to understand why things and I have the balls full of always having to justify what I can not explain with the usual phrase "if it is successo un motivo ci sarà".
La parte più dura è sentirsi pieno di sentimento e non poterlo regalare, non poterlo condividere e non riceverne.. è solo che non sei più l'uomo ideale, tutto qua.

Io sono Luca e di sicuro sono molto lontano dall'essere the real perfect man.. Vivo nei sogni ma la realtà è un'altra, la realtà è che non siamo fatti per stare soli.. Forse è questa la parte più dura

Monday, June 29, 2009

Older Women I Girdles

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

L'essere umano è di per se una incredibile meraviglia. Il fatto di avere una coscienza e di rendersene conto makes us unique beings.
I like to imagine that our true spirit and as a young man who lives in us. I can imagine why young and naive ruled by feelings and sensations.

The young man on a beach with beautiful colors. The calm sea and the sky with purple clouds that seem to float almost painted. His world is linked to another .. its very existence is tied to another. They live in symbiosis.

He lies on the sand bright and comfortable and looks at the sky. The hands are relaxed in his head from the pillow. On his face a smile of pleasure. It is addressed to another .. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure you can .."
"why do not you feel the most?"
"This has become a painful situation for me, why do not perceive it any more!"
"But you I've always said that love is what matters. Even if it brings pain is a feeling that it's worth to try .. You said it yourself!"
"I know .. I have said many things but sometimes reality is hard to accept. Then he flies away. You try to forget."
"But I do not want to forget .. I liked her. We were fine with her"

The child closes his eyes and brings those memories to the surface "When she was there everything was perfect .. the colors of sea and sky blend gently. The air was scented, everything was brighter .. It was a pleasure to open our eyes in the morning and evening before resting blissfully watched the moon and the stars that chased dancing .. You know what I mean? I know because again that is close to us? "
" Stop .. you're just a foolish child, and nothing more .. I tried searching, I have traveled to distant worlds have crossed the seas, I climbed mountains, I have even defied the laws of nature. She does not really exist .. You got there! "The young today
had gathered, their arms held her legs curled up and rested her head with her face hidden between his knees.
" The wind was warm and enveloping as her breath, her perfume nel'aria felt like a thousand fields of flowers, the earth was soft and smooth as his skin, the sky was clear and bright as her eyes. Around me were sweet and muffled sounds as if they were whispered in my ears .. You'd like to say that this has never existed? "
" What you see, what you feel is just a dream "
" That may be true but for me it is real. For me it's worth continuing to look for, to suffer if necessary because all this makes me feel alive. I want to feel again the warmth of love "
" No.. you have to stop. Love is suffering and I'm sick, you got it .. STOVE "
The young man had fallen asleep. In his occhi mille lacrime e la delusione per la resa. Nel suo mondo era piombata l'oscurità.
Una voce decisa lo riportò alla realtà..
"Dai alzati, dammi la mano.. Ti voglio fare un regalo. E' una promessa. Io continuerò a cercarla e non importa dove o quando ma so che la troverò. Lo faccio per noi perchè è vero, è l'amore quello che conta. Noi in fondo questo siamo, piccoli sprazzi di energia che chiamiamo sentimenti che condizionano la nostra esistenza.. ma senza di questi cosa saremmo?"
Il fanciullo adesso sedeva in riva al mare mentre all'orizzonte il bagliore di una nuova alba illuminava il suo volto sorridente.
"Grazie.. noi due insieme siamo un essere veramente straordinario"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cash Wedding Gift Wording

incredible heart and feeling

Heart and Minds ..
Maybe if I had the power to delete them ..
Why can not I keep control .. Why do I affect the lives
because it forced me to make mistakes ..

not want them, but they are constantly in search of them.

And, as often happens, what you need is almost always out of reach ..

hey, I said "almost always" ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Red Violet Hair Color

Go ahead

The man opens his eyes .. can not understand where he is. It 'a rude awakening. E 'numb, confused and unable to move. The wonder and anxiety attack him when he realizes to be surrounded by a tangle of bodies, poor souls looking for help, seeking answers. Arms and hands that diligently seek him, the desperate pull, grab him. Here's what it was that prevented any movement. The hands hold him tight and their grip becomes iron, and any attempt to escape, it seems that its meat is rend.

being in this situation?
At one point the man closes his eyes as his head bows forward .. E 'sick .. E 'saddened and disappointed ..
Its not a surrender, however, is not a resigned acceptance.
His fists are closed tight, his muscles tense, his jaw tightening the bite .. the man is getting ready.
The head is raised with a rapid movement. The eyes are open now. His look is deep, resolute, determined. Through those eyes could now see his spirit, you might understand that it is no longer a naive child.
The torso bends forward while the bodies, which have been attacked for who knows how long, are not willing to let go, do not want to let go of that body and spirit. They need it. He continues trying to push the limits of its possibilities. His eyes .. in his eyes we see his energy, his strength .. in them vi è uno spazio immenso. Guardate dentro quegli occhi e capirete che nessuno lo potrà più fermare. Le mani che lo trattengono piano piano iniziano a mollare la presa e, nel tentativo di recuperarla gesticolano in modo sconclusionato e disperato.
Ormai l'uomo è libero. Inizia a camminare.
All'inizio l'andatura è lenta, pesante, ma piano piano si alleggerisce. I suoi occhi si riempiono di lacrime per la pace che sta ritrovando.
Mentre cammina si rende conto che le sue mani ora non sono più serrate. Avvvolgono dolcemente altre mani piccole e delicate. Si volta a guardare. I due volti dei bambini che lo stanno accompagnando sono sereni e lui è più felice. Gli sorridono. Per la prima volta è spensierato dopo un tempo very long. He knows that they are not asking for anything, not asking for answers, not problems. I'm with him and are happy for that. Their little souls are deeply tied to his. They have a natural tendency to imitate him, to want to become like him.
The man and two children sit on a beach by the sea. The sea breeze, the warmth of the setting sun, the sea calm. It 'a moment of peace to which man needs. closes his eyes and smiles. He hears the cries of the children with their nice fresh voices .. The well-being along the body. He wants to stop time in this moment. Remain suspended. Contact
small hands it back to reality .. The two bright and beautiful faces are smiling there in front of him watch it .. take the hands and pull him to get him up.
"Come on Dad! You can not stop right now .."
No, the man did not stop. Needs only to look deep into his eyes to understand it. To understand that it will not stop anymore.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Early State Of Genital Warts

For you who read me (the sequel to the post Bitter Sweet)

@ all of you,
life I think we can imagine how a body of water .. if you do not throw stones that create the waves, the body of water stops and remains motionless. Its surface is flattened. But life is not so .. Real life is that, a series of bittersweet moments .. real life is one in which the body of water is constantly choppy. If there are times we do not appreciate those bitter sweet ..
I say this because at some point in my life I found myself as a body of water completely flat ... Calm ..
The end of love with the woman that I adored, who had married and with whom I had two fantastic children was like throwing a rock in my pond ..
this thing, so terrible, so heart-rending (and only those who have had to deal with the end of a great love can understand) has caused some kind of magic .. the storm that has ravaged my body of water has awakened in me old passions .. waves, alternating between sweet and bitter moments, I vitality .. These feelings I have found place in a new location .. And 'round the desire to travel, write, read. They returned the dreams, hopes and came back even bigger love for their children and to my wife Jodi .. ops
ex-wife and 'round in me the will to live which I had forgotten .. now I feel alive, happy and in harmony with myself .. all thanks to a deep pain that woke me ..
Jodi, I know that I read .. I am a lucky man because I shared 20 wonderful years with you .. Obviously I can not thank us for what happened, but I just want to say that you made me live again ..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kates Playground Oil Shower

Dolce Amaro

Today I killed a small bird. I could not do anything, crashed into my windshield.
I could give a damn, I forget now. No, it is not so, every time I do this, it gives me pain.
life, even that of a sparrow, is precious.
Life is a continuous effort, a constant struggle to escape death.
Perhaps that was his first flight. It was located on the edge of its nest and had watched the scene that opened in front of them. Perhaps the sparrows are excited in making the gesture that is etched in their DNA. The nature means that they know when it's time to fly, to dive into the void and then experience the thrill, the ancient dream of a brave man.
to get to that point had probably fought with all his strength to survive.
I wonder if, when a bird dives from the nest and begins to fly, feel, realize the wonderful thing he is doing. Perhaps it is proud of itself. Perhaps it is happy. But death is always lurking. Natural Selection, for which only the best should survive.
This time, natural selection is presented in the form of a car windshield. My. I'm sorry, because I would not have wanted to be part of the destiny of this little creature.
just hit the windshield I watched in the rearview mirror and saw the lifeless body down the street.
believe in fate? I really do not, but sometimes it's the only way to explain and accept the events that happen to us.
I thought that maybe the rules of nature can be applied to our feelings. Then it could be that the sparrow represents the love that sometimes in life you go to crash into the windshield of a car. is natural selection. When the feeling is too sleepy or too naive or bold .. usually does not survive. Then you have to accept this condition for perhaps thinking that fate exists, that things happen for a reason. And we must continue to live as does the mother of the sparrow that hit the windshield, the asphalt is laid out like a ball of feathers.

I was on the computer when I suddenly appear before my Son.
Facial Expression delighted. Without saying anything is unbuttoning his pants and pulls down everything. I find myself naked in front of him without even being able to understand what he wants. I thought maybe he had some problems, some insect bite or some redness.
he looked at me with a sly smile from.
"Father .... Just look!"
Me: "What?" What is happening? You hurt? "
Son: "Look here. do not see anything? "I
, trying to figure out what the problem was I sharpened the view without seeing anything" Well? I do not see anything .. What's wrong? "
Son:" What! do not see here? do not see them? "
Me:" But what? I see nothing "
Son:" HAIR! you see, it hairy? look how many are .. and blacks are "
Me:" Damn it's true I did not realize I was sorry! Now, however, are that I do not think the case "
I watched him as he walked away proud of himself .. I assure you that I could not see anything, but sometimes telling a lie is not so bad if you can make your happy son.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Future Value Of Ordinary Annuity Calculator

Range ethyl

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Breast Size By Nation

If I could fall in love again .. Do the right thing

When love ends .. When the feeling has completely dried up .. when hope has been extinguished and the illusions are gone ..

You can go back to fall for someone? you can return to try the feeling of pleasure? you can go back to surrender to the magic? You can find a soul mate?

Yes, you can .. even today there are countless opportunities to learn and attend other people looking for the right one ..

just think Internet ...

I like to imagine that there is the right one for me, I just have to do in order to be able to cross my path with her .. at that time I will understand ..

I invite to come with me on the road .. I invite you to share with me the wonderful adventures

This is what I do when I can to fall in love again ..

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pre Hacked Poptropica

First payout

It had to be world's first paying PTC for me in 2009. .
as confirm, the most 'accurate payments
cheers MERC PTC Italian 100% punctual
certainly no less important than others, but super accurate!