Monday, October 20, 2008

New Furnace Sets Off Detector paid! I read from

PayPerUse received payment!

reported from the site PayPerUse:

Communicate with pleasure to all users who have made important changes and new features to the site
Now in fact the payout of € 5 is reached on the first day, In fact, in the "Payments for Subscriptions" have been added so many sites that subscribe, and you can now earn more than € 6 in subscriptions sites Free! (for Italian users) If you're new to
PayPerUse you can also find a brief explanation of how the site works in the "How To PayPerUse!
Ti PayPerUse remember that the site has an area dedicated to games for FREE called "PayPerUse Games"
I remember you also verify the correctness of data entered in the "My Profile" and in particular is very important that you enter your interests and your region in the category. Sending e-mail is done according to the interests chosen, not choosing any category of interest may be excluded from receiving some e-mails. Under "Account for the payment" should be inserted instead of the e-mail for those who have chosen Paypal as a payment method, or the number of paper for those who choose to be paid with Postepay
Thanks Luca

WM PayPerUse "


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