Il booktrailer di Maxima Culpa , ultimo romanzo di Marco Nundini , ha coinvolto la giuria del concorso MyBooktrailer che si è tenuto al Pisa Book Festiva 2010, tanto da meritare un secondo posto nella selezione finale. Per tre giorni, dal 22 al 24 ottobre, la città toscana è stata il punto di riferimento per la promozione degli editori indipendenti e vetrina d'eccezione per quei titoli che non sempre si trovano nei canali tradizionali della distribuzione. Non è dunque coincidence that this setting has been chosen as the ideal backdrop to the competition dedicated to booktrailer promoted by the editorial staff of the show " THE COMPANY'S BOOKS " broadcast weekly on the issuer TV2000 .
The prizes for the three finalists after an initial selection from the works submitted, a panel of extraordinary quality that has made the second highest Maxima Culpa. The announcement was made Sunday, October 24th at 11:00 in Leonardo Hall, which housed in the Palazzo dei Congressi di Pisa part of the festival.
were present Elvira Todaro, artistic director of the Laboratory of Culture Digital University of Pisa, Daniele Segre, director, author of "cinema of reality, fiction films and plays, Roberto Arduini , essayist, journalist and editor of L'Unita, writes regularly articles on new technologies and collaborating with The Fellowship of the Book, Saverio Simonelli, transmission The Fellowship of the Book of TV2000.
The high definition version of the book trailer Maxima Culpa be downloaded, as well as that of the previous novel by Mark Nundini, Vine cursive, the portal of the European book trailer.
book trailers on the portal aims to be the meeting point between the reader and the publisher of the third millennium. A new way to recognize and choose the winning books through the language of film trailers. Enjoy e. .. good read
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